ITT: It's 1996

Cowabunga dudes, the N64 just came out and it's super radical.

Look at these graphics.

Attached: Super-Mario-64.jpg (1068x712, 104.8K)

I love video games!
If they're this awesome now, imagine how much better they can only get!

Damn this looks cool
Can't wait for the PC port!

Dude you can totally get a gun in Super Mario 64, you have to complete all the stars and them go to the mirror room and stand in the corner for 10 minutes

I got it yesterday dude im serious

I traded my ps1 for a n64 and had instant regret,but it worked out in the end because goldeneye was awesome after i got used to the shit controller

and no trannies to ruin the stories!

PC? Wow, look at this loser!

Then how do the cars run?

what do transistors have to do with mario 64 lol this isn't mario kart

which color should i get dudes?

Attached: 1588773682765.jpg (1178x1786, 374.13K)

Mario 64 was amazing! I hope in a few years a videogame imageboard will not be constantly infested with """""""""OFFICIAL""""""""" PC port threads

how do you get three nintendo fans to use one controller?
you put it grip side up and they'll all sit on it LOL

i dont get it

ay caramba! This game is totally bodacious cant wait for Mario 128 !

The joke is that nintendo fans are sexually active

Three hundred eightteen thousand eight hundred trannies.
How do you measure, measure a thread?
In bump count?
In replies?
In sages?
In wojack shit posts?
How do you measure a thread in Zig Forums?
How about trannies!
How about trannies!
How about trannies!
Measure in trannies!

Attached: 318k.png (699x89, 10.53K)

Mario? LAME
Make way for the RAD guy

Attached: s3&k.jpg (1242x1098, 179.34K)

Have you guys seen this new pocket monster game for the gameboy from japan?
i think it won't get big outside japan it's too Japanese for western market and it's based from inhumane chicken fighting and bug fighting that's basically animal abuse

Attached: gb_pocketmonstersgreen_jp.jpg (3260x1370, 3.04M)

Those 2D cartoon graphics are old news

I'm 11 years old in a pre-high speed internet era. what is sex

take your meds

>can only move up, down, left and right

have fun staying in the past loser

Just you losers wait until this comes out
Who's gonna be laughing then!

Attached: x-treme.png (256x431, 269.5K)


Pocket Monsters? Like this?

Attached: mimp.png (317x454, 368.79K)


That shit won't even come to the west dude, it's too niche.

VR? Like Virtual Boy?

I think he means VR Troopers.

Attached: vrtroopers.jpg (474x474, 30.38K)

have you guys seen aeon flux on liquid tv? I hope they make it into a video game!

The Maxx is better, dweebazoid.