This place is turning into something awful

this place is turning into something awful

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paying 10 bux to post?

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totally agree we need to ban all white people who dont like globohomo forced homogenized retard culture and implement an upvote downvote system and have a funny little mascot with an antenna out of its head for receiving bill gates ID2020 5G frequencies for perfect ZOGthink worker slave nigger fluoride poz


you new?

>implying it wasn't always awful

whoa this post was so based it made an audible "THUD" as it appeared on my computar screen

it was always awful. but now its even worse

fuk u lowtax u fuckin jew

...and that's a good thing!

Wow look, a post from 2013.

it always was. we even copied their anti furfag angle back then

I guarantee its been terrible since before you got here, even if you couldn't see it

>something awful
never used it so I don't know exactly what you mean

you chose to open this thread and reply saying this. why?

to give you a free bump because I hate this place too

At least we don't have to pay to post.. right?

>copied a natural human instinct
yeah sure we did

This is place is turning into something awful, but it's not turning into Something Awful.

>.t 2008

I hope you're pretending to be retarded


I hope you're pretending that you're underage

holy fucking based


How do we get rid of the identity politicians from Zig Forums?

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human instinct is to put your dick into something whilst horny


We need to range ban phoneposting ESL third world shitters.

They're of absolutely no value to advertisers and a detriment to the board and it's culture.

moot should have never readded Zig Forums

The forums, or just in general?

Zig (need login)* (anonymous free posting)

the more complicated you make it for shitposters to larp their shit the less engaged they are to actually shitpost

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lmao, and they say hrt doesnt degrade your brain
pol is a containment board, they will just flood all over the place if you impose retarded shit