Tfw no vampire gf

>tfw no vampire gf
why even live bros

Attached: vampir.jpg (3831x2139, 491.08K)

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>posts male with emo contacts

Disappointing trailer.

Really don't give me any good vibes, but mediocre trailers (at best) are a trend in modern industry, which is weird considering how many money goes into marketing.

>no vampire gf
You want her to feed on you?

>let's put an incredibly detailed depth map on the face to maker the skin look ugly as fuck
Why werstern devs be like this?

I'm planning to play as a Nosferatu when it's released as DLC.

have you ever looked in the mirror user

Real world has shit art direction, why use that?

rudi is
ON message
ON brand
ON point
ON topic
ON your ass like wh*te on rice

Attached: rudi.png (1052x631, 194.97K)

Attached: 3rwv3u99pkw11 (1).png (1347x822, 259.98K)

meanwhile, here's a CG intro from a 15 year old game

Attached: 1560327291727.webm (1240x698, 2.87M)

Caine's kiss is literally supposed to be orgasmic unless it's a Giovanni

Even if you roll with the "mur realsim" argument which is incredibly wrong since video games don't have to obey ur real world rules, have you ever been in a nightclub and seen a semi attractive girl NOT applying a fat cake layer of makeup which hides any skin pores?
Cause I haven't.

This loresheet with never make sense to me. It's retarded right up to the point where "some European Princes fear he will lead a" they would just torch his dumbass. No one gives a fuck if this retard becomes a fucking bear when they could just Dominate him to chew on napalm or watch the sun rise.

Attached: 1560330471023.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

realistically speaking, a vampire doesn't care haha

It's not fair bros ;_;

Amazing design, hits all my preferences. God fucking damn.

I've had Bloodlines installed for the last 3 years and still haven't played it.

A Toreador does, maybe even more than regular humans because of vampire autism.

not even the original was this bad

For me its her

Attached: 1588866142772.png (829x648, 651.55K)

I think that VTMB trailer was the most offensive part of the show.

Attached: -_snapshot_00_01_38_[2020.05.07_16.16.09].jpg (1920x1080, 193.36K)

What's wrong with her finger?
>Inb4 It's not in my ass

ruin by fucking lip shrapnel. Thicc vampi Christina Hendricks remains the best looking

Attached: vtm-bloodlines2-cosplay-guide-v01-5510-dfe53b.jpg (1920x1080, 656.94K)

it's not in my ass

lots of asshole fingering results in the skin collecting at the joints

I love lip piercings, always have. So long as it's a single loop.

For me it is this beautiful lady with charming smile here.

Attached: 1588873042903.jpg (672x811, 52.91K)

Why do the graphics look like the fucking Sims 3?

Oh right this is coming out. I kind of forgot between all the shit ND and CDPR have been doing.

They look alright in motion imo, good enough. It's not a AAA studio so

Hello Mr. Damp