PC is now the most secure places to put your hard worked video games on

>PC is now the most secure places to put your hard worked video games on.


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Empress cracked the last version

Then why am I playing pirated Odyssey ?

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>Empress cracked the last version
No. AC Odysey uses the old version.
Even with that He had a really hard time about it He bitched on it on his NFO.

not to mention begging for donations

Considering how pain in the ass Denuvo is, he should. But still, its kinda retarded to ask poorfags for money in the first place

To be fair if you got a denuvo game cracks once a month a small donation of like 5$ is still loads cheaper than most of these games will ever cost.
Problem is we get like one crack evry 2-3 if not more months nowadays.

I've never bought a game with Denuvo, and I stopped buying games released by publishers who have used Denuvo. Deliberately including software that makes the experience worse for paying customers is unacceptable. Lower frame rates and longer loading times should be avoided, not celebrated. Figure out a different way to protect your margins that doesn't inconvenience your customers.

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You will break user. You will buy it sooner or later
I had buy some Denuvo games due to it takes too long to crack.
And im not alone, probably Most of piratefags with jobs does the same thing too.
Im nearly 30 now and i cant fucking wait anymore.

They win, they really did it this time for good.

i dont care enough about most games that use denuvo. if i can get them for free ill play through but im not paying sixty quid because some sperg decided to make the experience worse if you buy

There's a way to pirate games on consoles that doesn't require some outdated firmware you cannot downgrade to and some extreme methods of botching a physical bypass?

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>You will break user
No. I won't.
>You will buy it sooner or later
No. I won't.
>I had buy some Denuvo games
ESL. That's you. Not me.
>And im not alone
I know you're not, but you don't speak on my behalf.
>probably Most of piratefags with jobs does the same thing too
Your assumptions and estimations aren't relevant when you're talking about what I'm going to do. I'm telling you what I'm not going to do.
>They win
Don't project your lack of principles onto other people. You're weak and the industry is suffering because of it. You're responsible for something you acknowledge is a problem.

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Time changes everything, i had said the same thing too before.
The truth hurts, i know.
Well im admit i am ESL, and living in SEA in fact.
Once youre get older, you will get it. You will get how hard the world is. You will understand why they had to put a tons of sweat and blood to work on an almost uncrackable DRM. Until then, enjoy your youth user.

Enjoy it.

Enjoy it.

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Please show me how to run pirated games on the xboner x.

I'm 36, dipshit. I know it makes you feel better about being a weak piece of shit by pretending everyone else is as weak as you, but it's not the truth.

only normies play on console

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I know you're lying user

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Also no 36 year old talking like this....
Unless you're one of those actual NEETs who lives on Parents basements.

For someone as old as you are you sure do act like a fucking retard. If you need to pretend the person you're arguing with is lying in order to dismiss their opinions, it's because your argument is so weak that's the only avenue you can take.
You don't know what people talk like, ESL. You're more than welcome to submit to companies that use Denuvo. That's your choice and it's your money. But don't for a single second act like you are in control of what I fucking do with my money.

I can tell you're a NEET or Underage by the way you're seething user.
I get it, you're mad because more and more games are getting uncracked now.

My problem is with you. You tried to tell me what I'm going to do when you don't know shit. You projected your weakness onto me. You're wrong. I explained my decisions clearly and you rejected them without cause because you believe I am just like you. We are very different.

Did you just roleplaying as one of those "Shonen" protagonist to tell people to never give up, user ?
Please grow up sooner.
Get a job.
Dont living off with your parents money.

Shut the fuck up. I'm not spending money on any company that uses Denuvo.

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I really hit a jackpot here.
Like i said : Grow up, Get a job, Live independently

You know how copyright laws are the most strict in the first world?

You're 30, right? Learn how to argue without making shit up and repeating it like a parrot. You made a mistake acting like you get to tell me what to do. You got corrected.

I rather Arguing to a proper 30 year old, thanks.

Home boy you can barely speak like an 8-year old.

No and why you so obsessed about it ?

>puyo puyo tetris PC version is still using denuvo
yay $20 saved

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Ideally games and most other software would be funded before they are developed, and then released as free software software afterwards

It means I would have to try harder to make you understand concepts you don't comprehend because you don't speak English natively. It increases the likelihood you're going to ignore points because you can't fucking read. It's a waste of time because odds are no matter what I fucking say you're going to refuse to be educated. Watch.

Whether you care about Denuvo or not, you don't get to tell me what I spend my money on. You don't tell me what I'm going to do. You don't dictate that shit. You're not going to acknowledge anything in this paragraph.

Too bad they introduced that shit when I already lost all interest for AAA games to the point that I won't even pirate them.

Denuvo has been blown wide open.
The only thing protecting PC games now is server-side always online like Diablo 3, and Arxam + Custom License online check-ins like RDR2. And those are double-edged swords that kill your game's accessibility the moment servers go down.

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>Valve prevents people from creating a "Denuvo" tag because that would allow people to filter out every game with Denuvo on it and they know people would do it

Says it all.

Did you represents yourself as 99% of Costumer out there ?? Are you sure ???
Based on my logic and my life experience, Most (not 99%) piratefags, Especially the one with Jobs, give up of waiting and buying the Game because it took too long to crack.

4 out of 5 of my friends does this.
4 out of 5 of my friends has job

Do you have any friends at all ?

>people are still shilling denuvo
>in 2020

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I don't speak on behalf of other people you fucking moron. I'm talking about my decisions about what I will do with my own money. That's all. Get that through your fucking head.

My internet has goes down for 4 days and i played RDR2 completely offline.
Hell, i even buying it on Epic store.

Now look whose seething like a mad poor NEET piratefag.
Again :

- Grow up
- Get a job
- Get out of your parents basements

>I stopped buying games released by publishers who have used Denuvo
Then you're pretty much only buying indie shit. Nearly every publisher (even Capcom) is using Denuvo now.

As much as I hate it: It's effective.

No. Welcome to piracy.

>ignore the point
>ad hominem

>Then you're pretty much only buying indie shit
Wrong. You know full well Denuvo is not commonly used.

>Maybe if I keep parroting "grow up, get a job, get out of your parents basement" I'll not be owned!
lmao. You are pathetic, user. I say this as a buy-fag.

Sega, Capcom, Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Blizzard, THQ, Deep Silver, etc. all fucking use it.

Only Devolver doesn't. Again, you must be buying only indie sh

>Im not buying it !!
>Woah !!! Denuvo is instantly bankrupt now !!!!1

Sadly your fantasy delusions doesnt work that way.
You are just a minority, like 10 of 1000000 people out there

>- Grow up
>- Get a job
>- Get out of your parents basements
And don’t waste money on literal toys.

Especially ironic when you realize consoles are just DRM machines anyway

You realize you're talking to someone who plays video games, right? This is not even close to the amount of non-indie publishers.
>Only Devolver doesn't.
Are you fucking kidding me? Your lack of understanding about this subject is so shallow this is the ONLY publisher you can think of that doesn't use Denuvo? I know you just feel like arguing for no reason but you really should shut the fuck up. Not only have you left out major publishers that do use it, you included publishers that don't use it.

Nobody pretended to speak on behalf of the majority you fucking lunatic. Stop strawmanning.

1 dollar from 100K poorfags is still a better deal for the poorfags than $50 per game.

We dont count indieshits as video games here

Denuvo killed PC modding. Hope you like model swaps and .ini tweaks for mods.

Except Poorfags cant even afford 1 dollars lol

>non-indie publishers
Every publisher is non-indie.
What do you mean is meant by independent games?

OK, retard. AAA games are the only real games. The publishers you like are the only real publishers. You're the arbiter of what Zig Forums thinks. Nice fucking argument.