>the fishing genre is dead

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That switch fishing game is pretty good

Because fishing is boring and we gamers want to dab on noobs and floss on kids
oh wow rainbow six new hero trailer coming out soon
cant wait to buy the new hero when its on sale for 20 american euros

No it isn't.

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any games where fishing is used in combat?
like a fishing rod as a weapon or something.

sonic adventure


You can use the fishing rod in the final battle of Twilight Princess.


god i wish i was a fish and got caught by cute anime girls

chrono cross?

The kill and eat everything they catch though...

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A fishing pole was BiS for feral druids for a short period in Wrath.

What's the best fishing game?

The jew fears the indoor fish farmer

just go outside - it's much more exhilarating

do carps have teeth or something in their mouth? asking for a friend

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I've never felt a live fish. I want one squirming in my hands. :)

>he doesnt want to be eaten and turned into loli poop

yes, and?

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Gee Slobodan, why do you get TWO carps?

Sega Bass Fishing with the Dreamcast peripheral

I loved fishing in Twilight Princess with that qt on the rowboat, it was peak comfy.


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Not combat, but you steal a fishing rod in Mystery of the Druids so that you can solve a very stupid puzzle with it.

why would your fishing gear need to have camo pattern on it

Too bad it shut down.

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So the fish can't see it retard.

Based and Zig Forumspilled

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hunter x hunter

>fishing genre is dead
bruh what
i played nier auto, then rdr2, then fc5 and all of them have fishing minigames
everyone has fishing minigames now
its like devs around the world secretly got together and made a coalition that fishing is the thing to do from here on out

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Which one?
Does it use the gyroscope at all?
I'm looking for a fishing game to play.

>game mixes genres
>it's good

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how can fish see me if they're underwater

>"Bro jack me off with this fish!"

is it gay to be holding the fish?

So this is what "just going out fishing with the lads" means...

The jews fear the indoor fish farmer

based? based on what?

That's great but it's a little gay.

fishing should always be relegated to a minigame in a larger game rather than have standalone games.

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You guys should check out fishing phone games. You cast with your phone and reel in with your screen. FISH ANYWHERE!!


With their eyes.


Only the fish is gay

Isabelle in Smash

White people are wierd.

I fucking hate the ocean.

hahaha what a bro

they look south american

I used to keep a medium sized pop up swimming pool in my basement where I breed salmon. Made sushi often, as well as some other dishes. I stopped when I started to make enough to where I didn't need to do that anymore, since the whole thing was a bit of a pain to maintain, and once I had children (fear if they fell in).

have you ever tried looking out of a pool of water? you can't see shit

yo what kinda bait is that?

Do fish feel pain?

It was never alive.

Is that tap water? Wouldn't that kill the fish?

>thinks human eyes and fish eyes are the same


>I used to keep a medium sized pop up swimming pool in my basement where I breed salmon

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Just play literally any Japanese game. Play Nier Automata, where the androids can fish for some reason.

But this anime is

They look like carp to me. A trash fish that could survive in a bucket of piss.

>fear if they fell in
They'd be swimming with the fishes.

that game was way more fun than it had any right to be

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>i played nier auto, then rdr2
Other way around for me. Preferred the fishing in rdr2 though.

it not gay as long the balls dont touch

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This is a great setup for a doujin