How will Nomura haters cope?

How will Nomura haters cope?

Attached: FF7R.png (758x641, 501.18K)

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stop falseflagging barry, you literally create threads to reply to yourself man, get over it.

Was there even another new game to download?

1. This article was written to promote both the game and the blog
2. You did the work for them
3. The perpetuation of media manipulation continues
4. I will now proceed to kill myself

Oh shit! It had to compete against strong titles like Resident Evil 3 (which was universally accepted as blunder) and Trials of Mana: Remake (mostly unknown). That proves it has to be really good.

I cope by not hinging my self-worth on the success of corporations.


>4# in Europe

Wow, guess Kojima was right, europoors do have a more refined taste than mutts.

Oh, look, yuropoor subhumans are physically incapable of comprehending games that aren't a nigger simulator, local gay sports simulator or FPS.

>I will now proceed to kill myself
its a valid ending to being that retarded
see name

>Grand Theft Auto V (3)
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (1)

>refined taste

I guess piss is the finest drink in Europe according to yuropoor taste

And that makes it the most successful asset flip in the history of video games.
I award it the digital homicide award of quality and the Greta Thunberg award for inclusion of autistic people for its great work in the dialogue department.

You're coping, bro.

Attached: 1565543213928.png (540x368, 263.61K)


Attached: brofirosu.jpg (1024x576, 94.55K)


>most downloaded
>playstation store
>in April
jesus you gonna add any more criterias? the most downloaded game on playstation at 3pm in austin texas suburbs?

>the most successful asset flip in the history of video games.
...Wait, huh? What assets was it flipping?


Attached: 1588785000842.jpg (1024x576, 70.17K)

Did it beat Fortnite? I bet it didn't.

>I call other people "typical" despite the caliber of my insults being at more or less the same level

Most of the level design looks like they just threw a bunch of moneys at the UE store and slapped it together... because they probably just threw a bunch of moneys at the UE store and slapped it together.

it'd be a fucking disgrace if it wasn't lmao

Wow, it's only competition was RE3. How impressive...

>most liked game?
No. Most downloaded.
No. Just the US.
>across every platform?
No. Just the Playstation store.
>of all time
>No. Just April.
>by a huge margin
>No. By a little bit.

Attached: 1551669663935.jpg (749x701, 36.27K)

ok schizo

>Most of the level design looks like they just threw a bunch of moneys at the UE store and slapped it together
Most of it doesn't though. And even if some of the sewers or whatever are asset flips, which they're not, they still had to model shitloads of stuff throughout the world.
Look I even disliked FF7R and this is silly as fuck

I miss when ff7 were shit on here, normies and casuals get it too fucking easy now. you're all shitting up the board on a daily business with your autistic garbage posts.

>outsold by Animal Crossing

I liked this game, so I dunno. Probably.

Why do nintentrannies brag about how much their literal soccer mom bait game sold?

>outsold by FGO
wtf I love gachaniggers now

kys faggot. had it been an actual remake, i would have bought it along with 2 or 3 of my friends. guess what? none of us bought this shit and just rented it from gamefly to share. not even a remake, its a gay ass sequel with nothing for new fans or old

It triggers you

Ppffft. The only thing hard about other jrpg's is trying not to die of boredom.

>not even a remake
Of course it is. A remake isn't a shot-for-shot retelling of the previous. Movies have been doing this for literal decades.