Why aren't you playing VR Chat?

Why aren't you playing VR Chat?

Attached: indo-an.webm (720x405, 2.82M)

Other urls found in this thread:


because im not gay

I don't have AGP

Because it's tranny shit.

because i have a bf and i also have sex

The "people" in this webm paid approximately 30 USD for these models, each.

i don't know anything vr or vr chat, but can't people just rip the models/animations?

I played the shit out of VRChat when it was a new frontier full of wealthy, talented, creative individuals. Custom models and maps that weren't weeb shit, actual social people who weren't mute and didn't spout memes, interesting map designs with puzzles and adventures built into them. It was glorious. It was the most engaging video game experience I've had since I first got a PC/internet and played Everquest in 2000. Then the trannies invaded.

It gets complicated, and VRChatters are all mostly paypigs. They paid 300$ to move their legs, they'll pay 300$ to change their models monthly.

Social rank update and invite only worlds did it for me.
Then IK was broken for Quest and dancing looked more robotic than those shitty MMD worlds.
Never wenr back because everyone seemed to double down on the weeb pedophilia.

Because its awful and /vrg/ is a dumpster fire

Because I’m awkward and I can’t think of really anything to say to a group of strangers. Also it’s intimidating

cause it black scrteens on me every time i install it

I am but you trannies couldn't pay me enough to play with you. What's the matter, are you out of young men to try and pinkpill?

Attached: circle.webm (720x405, 2.7M)


not trans at all, nuh uhhhhhhh sir-I mean ma'am.

is everyone just a generic catgirl in this game

Someone just shills this person/channel/videos but generally yeah, most of the models are some deviantart reject shit catgirls.

because I don't have:
1. Money to buy a model with fancy emotes
2. Money to buy tracking shit
3. A likable voice
4. Interest in meeting a bunch of normies online

Because I'm not a tranny, don't have VR gear, and am not 14 years old.

Cute girls. I don't see the problem.

Oh, and
5. time to dedicated to learning how to make my own fancy models with fancy emotes to talk to a bunch of normalfags online

Come play with me I'll talk to you and break down your barrier

Three hundred eightteen thousand eight hundred trannies.
How do you measure, measure a thread?
In bump count?
In replies?
In sages?
In wojack shit posts?
How do you measure a thread in Zig Forums?
How about trannies!
How about trannies!
How about trannies!
Measure in trannies!

Attached: 1000aday.png (688x89, 10.54K)

Some people share these models for free though.

You don't need any of that though. Most of the players aren't using VR. Voice is debatable but it doesn't really matter in the end.

There's a mall in the game to buy these models. It's not an exaggeration to compare this community to Second Life

Because I'm not a tranny and a retard who buy a useless VR set.

3 and 4 are your only real excuses. There are tons of avatar room for free, plus you can copy almost anyone elses. Alot of free avatars come with fancy emotes. Tracking is optional.

>Wanna just do cool/cutsie stuff in anime avatars
>Want to meet some folks and chill
>Want to try out some mini game world

You don't need a vr setup to play this

Oh yeah, let me just stand around as a bystander until some cool and EPIC! youtube video clip happens

Play as a male and deflect all coomers

I have only seen one youtuber, and didn't bother with him.
The normal people and autists are way cooler.

Just avoid people who only hang in front of a mirror.


i use vr to play games and to jack off
and im not gay enough to jack off to vrchat freaks

>animations that are doing all the dancing for them
how is this VR again?