Final Fantasy with the best gameplay system?

Mainline only. Decide in this poll

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I voted for V because of its job system, even though X has the superior battle system.

>OH no they died! Haha, jk!

Why do people think 4 is good?

>XII in first place, let alone anywhere in the top 5

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Online: FFXI for me.
Offline: close call between X, XIII and 7 Remake.
Fuck it it's 13 without easy mode BTW if you're not a pussy play how it's supposed to be played.

>No X-2

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Why the fuck is XV so high?

V and XII are the only battle system worth something for me. V because you can experiment early, XII because the hunt means you have challenging content from the start

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>XII in top
didn't know there were that many chads on this board

People give 13 grief because you can auto battle through the throw away fights, which is fine because every ff has throw away fights you just mash through. But you can't just auto battle through major boss fights and special enemies, if you don't use the paradigm system to its fullest (which is fucking genius middle ground of realtime/atb) you will lose. Id love to see fools try and tell me the game "plays itself" and try to auto battle through gran pulse without changing paradigms.

>no 13-2

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Most of the random encounters of the last 2 chapters are harder than any of the boss fights

Never voted in these reddit polls and not gonna start now but it's X by a huge fucking margin.

>not gonna vote but here's my vote

Exactly. Loved to explore this system.

>offline MMO winning

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>same faggot spamming every FFXII thread screeching about how the combat is offline MMO and how it plays itself
>Zig Forums puts a poll and it wins in the gameplay department
absolutely BTFO

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>IX that high

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yeah because strawpoll is known for its legitimacy

>game that plays itself winning on Zig Forums

checks out

stay mad
based kings

Yeah it’s a kinda awkward compromise where they said “well everything that’s not a boss fight is filler anyway so fuck it” and doubled down on making boss fights challenging. It certainly worked for the boss fights, but there needed to be more point to the regular combat. I think losing the auto-heal after every battle and making you actually manage your resources would have gone a long way towards that.

If the game has a version of itself that has a speed up option, then it's automatically shit.

12 is definitely the most fun I had when it comes to gameplay.

Say that about Tellah.

What game had the best designs for summons? Also, why were the summons in 13 transformers? Was there some sort of transformer fad at the time in 2009?

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>XII that high
Is there one dedicated user switching IPs constantly? Who the fuck actually prefers XII's gameplay over V or X's?

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If anything it should be higher. One of the last games where your characters actually had defined roles and weren’t just sluts to some half-assed system where everyone could do anything anyway.

>i-it didn't count!

Get fucked

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Installing XII right now. I got it because I tried XV for almost 18 hours, it was ok but I really hated the combat system. What can I expect?

this is always the case with strawpoll
that's why nobody ever takes it seriously

XII felt more like the natural evolution of the traditional ATB system than what came afterwards.
I like the Licence Board overall and the Gambit system was way ahead of it's time

X battles are either too easy or too hard
V battles just makes me want to play Tactics instead

>You have already voted in this poll
>Lasted time I voted, 12 wasn't even top 5

Yeah, I'm thinking this is rigged

Based. Has the second best gameplay after 12.

haven't played XII since about 2008 and just got zodiac age on steam
any beginners tips?

last FF I recently finished was 7R hard mode, and it was fucking 10/10

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A better "open world" than the shit XV tried to do. Combat is essentially turned based and there's a system that lets you automatically decide what your party members will do once certain conditions are met.
e.g. If party member as low health then heal
It can get pretty complex if you let it but it's also optional and you can select all the commands if you'd like.

>people buying 12 now because of a strawpoll spammer.

Wooooow color me surprised

I went with VII because I think materia is the best thing FF has ever shat out.

< if ()
>else if()

Don't worry about jobs since they recently updated it to let you change them so you aren't stuck with roles you might not like. Apart from that make sure to do the hunt sidequests throughout the game, they're where all of the challenge lies.

>7R hard mode

best shit FF has done in a long time although I loved the combat in 13-2 and LR

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Not saying that is bad and I'm currently playing V right now, but I don't think that the job system counts as "gameplay", actually the game itself is very standard, the job system is a nice feature taht satisfy my autistic needs but that's it, I'm doing fine with a thief a knight a black mage and white mage, I have changed to a Berserk and Time Mage but yeah, that's it.

Battle system? X, no doubt. Job system? V, no doubt.

X is basically tedious tic tac toe.

Why 12 means is a spammer but 10 isn't?
>because I like 10

Just start with the autoattack classes and a WHM, change them later (if you want). You won't have access to any good spells before level ~30 anyway.

Best battle AND job system? X-2, no doubt.

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XII is a spinoff. It shouldn't be on there.

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How come when Dunkey said he didn't like 7R, this board went full retard?

You guys don't like junctions?

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Why is there no 4DS option?

Zig Forums can't take a joke

It just stopped me using any magic under any circumstances

it's an alright system but materia is more fun

>they take a knee instead of falling flat on their faces

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>I don't think that the job system counts as "gameplay"
What in the absolute fuck are you on about?

Final Fantasy honestly always had pretty bad combat compare to other JRPG

Mostly since ATB ruins the combat completely.