Why is Zig Forums so horrible?

Why is Zig Forums so horrible?

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It was always horrible. You only just noticed it.


mods banned having fun so the only people left on the board are autistic console warriors

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Anger is the only emotion you can feel after vidya-induced dopamine burnout.

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because videogames have gone to shit. We went from getting 10-20 good games every year two decades ago to getting 1 or maybe 2 good games a year if we're lucky.

totally agree we need to ban all white people who dont like Rick and Morty globohomo forced homogenized retard culture and implement an upvote downvote system and have a funny little mascot with an antenna out of its head for receiving bill gates ID2020 5G frequencies for perfect ZOGthink worker slave nigger fluoride poz

>posting the zoomer edit

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>schizo starts screeching about their boogeyman strawman
Meds, friend. You gotta take the meds.

Such a pathetic edit lmao

Sterilized lobotomized servants to ZOG straight out of the poisoned womb. perfect fluoride slaves happy to do whatever Big Sister tells xe/xir to do. programmed by the most revolting and traumatizing anti-nature propaganda from day 1, the non-gonadic beige bio-drone blob of the future is here, pre-atomized, de-familied and ready to serve the unending anarcho-terrorist State!

Sign up by eating the food, drinking the water, taking your vaccines and government psycho-meds today! All activities tracked by the Smart-Mesh 5G grid - "For Your Own Good!"

>(you) system is a glorified Reddit upvote and shitposters are obsessed with it
>Refusal to implement post IDs to prevent help curb some of the brainless samefagging and terrible post quality
>Refusal to limit phone posting to Zig Forums Pass holders which would prevent easy bypassing of the ban system (surprising really when it would mean ez money for Hiroshimoot)

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>Why is Zig Forums so horrible?
Because of (you)
Soi this, soi that.
I don't give a shit what any of you niggers look like, some of you have great taste in games, others do not.
Guess what, it's subjective. LOLE

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haha funny onions man go buyyyy


lmao get replaced

uh oh mossad made stinky posty

Because we don't have a tranny or a jew censoring us, you find here everykind of opinions, not like the sites where you shitpost. If you wanna be based you have to read ALL.

ok jogger

>Steve ''I'm so deep by figuring out obvious stuff and putting it in an extremely negative manner'' Cutts

>thinking pass restrictions means shit

changing IP is a easy as turning off your router or typing two command lines on your pc, I honestly don't even know why mods even bother with bans when it's so hilariously easy to bypass


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Three hundred eightteen thousand eight hundred trannies.
How do you measure, measure a thread?
In bump count?
In replies?
In sages?
In wojack shit posts?
How do you measure a thread in Zig Forums?
How about trannies!
How about trannies!
How about trannies!
Measure in trannies!

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Leave. No one cares about you.

instead you have disonest discussion of trolls trolling trolls because no accounts or IDs means no acountability. I could literally make an argument by myself in this thread and play both sides. People who say there's true, honest discussion on Zig Forums are either retarded or new

lol where do you think we are?

won't be long now until trannies finally overtake Zig Forums in that free rent

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(You)’s are the opposite of Upvotes.
You actually have to post to give out (You)’s and massive amount of replies doesn’t get you anything special like Reddit Gold does.

You do realise that bans are tied to Zig Forums Passes? If you can't post from your phone without one, a ban means a ban.

Search Zig Forums
POL is part of lots of words. Polished turd. Take this poll. etc


We're just a foil of the current state of gaming. If you don't like what you see, it's because we merely reflect the current state of the hobby.

>Search Zig Forums
You can't, faggot.

it's the current year
if you don't take a side you'll sink

People being retarded ironically attracted actual retards and that continued exponentially

Because most of Zig Forums don't play videogames, they just watch e-celebs on twitch and youtube and parrot their reviews and opinions.

Cause AAA games suck

guess you cant make an accurate comparison.

Yes he posted the edit relevant to the thread topic you fucking retard, good catch

Cope, zoomer

The entirety of Zig Forums went to shit when it stopped being a forum with images to a twitch chat simulator