Super Mario 64 PC Thread

For new people: Super Mario recently got ported to PC after some fans repurposed the decompiled source project originally made available at Game runs both on Win and Linux.

OGL Ver: anonfiles_com/p1l7Vbv4oe/mario64pc_7z
OGL Src: anonfiles_com/vbZ9W8v2o1/sm64pc-sdl_7z

DX12 Ver: gofile_io/?c=wOvWRO
DX12 Src: anonfiles_com/J51e3fv6o9/sm64pc_src_zip

Linux DEB: anonfiles_com/L3m2C4wdoa/sm64pc_deb
Linux RPM: anonfiles_com/v0m0Cew2oe/sm64pc_rpm

Anonfile link is spam for some reason replace _ with .

Attached: xGGd8Lf1.png (970x586, 563.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wheres the browser version

So is it the emulator and ROM packed in an exe?

What about Analogue camera mod?

yes that's exactly what it is,tourist



Unlocked fps when

>analogue camera
Post the patch right the fuck now, I've been waiting 20+ years for this shit.

It wouldn't be impossible but we'll have to update all the logic in the entire game to match a 100% increase in tick rate, and then manually interpolate every animation in the entire game.

No real quick fix, will take a lot of time and dedication.

Analog Camera mod:

Can someone build this and upload? I'm functionally retarded.

Why would I play an old ass game I've already beaten over 20 years ago? You pc fats are desperate, holy shit.

Attached: 1333570016595.jpg (492x341, 44.63K)

Camera mod anonfiles_com/92H4P3w8of/sm64pc-analog-testing.tar_7z
Building instructions can be found on github_com/sm64pc/sm64pc.

Attached: mario_finished-analog-mod.webm (640x480, 1.26M)

>download random exe from Zig Forums
>run it

holy fucking newfags

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i'm working on building it now, but it'll take a bit, if some other user is already setup to build this you'll probably beat me to it

After having never played this game I really appreciate the autists who speedrun this game every waking moment of their existence

Runs just fine on my machine maybe stop being a paranoid faggot for once

>le fourchan is epic secret hacker site and yuo will get an virus if you don't use secret hacker proxies!!!!11
Jesus Christ just use common sense, it isn't that hard

Is this controller-only, or does it also work with the mouse too?

This shit is open source and has been validated by tons of Anons posting screenshots and shit. This isn't like some lostboy.exe fiasco.


It will be hilarious when Nintendo releases their lazy remaster for the Mario anniversary and it doesn't include analog camera control or any other enhancements, on top of running through emulation,when it took random fucks on the internet a few days to implement such a feature once they got access to the code.

>third person platformer with a mouse and keyboard

Attached: 1582087948851.jpg (292x229, 15.69K)

I mean, it works well enough in A Hat in Time and Sonic Robo Blast 2.

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sorry but anons need to be more careful. someday some black hat user is going to make a thread that looks exactly like this with some kind of trojan or rootkit bullshit and anons are gonna get fucked.

and then after black hat user has stolen all the valuable data off your computer he'll download some skeevy real illegal shit onto your computer "for teh lulz"

>This shit is open source and has been validated by tons of Anons
you don't have to compile it yourself but if you're not at least getting the binaries from a primary source and comparing hashes (if you dont know how to compare file hashes google it) you are really playing with fire.

seriously anons i want you guys to be safe

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Haha PC always wins. Thanks for beta testing for us Nintendies!

I didn't download that because I'm not a retard

man, imagine Mario Kart 64

I use Linux and compiled it myself

Would love to see this ported to mobile.

Ocarina is built on the Mario 64 engine. They could do the same here rihgt? Mostly interested in Zelda 64 mods and expansion packs which could run at 60-120fps.

It technically is. Run it from the web browser.

What's so weird about it? Plenty of 3D platformers can be played with keyboard and mouse. You move around with WASD, jump wither either Space bar or mouse click or whatever. What's so hard to understand, faggot?

They're literally doing it as we speak. They're decompiling OoT, and I BELIEVE MM along side, since the engines are so similar.

does anyone know where to find the N64 and Wii leaks?

No, I mean as an actual app. Then again, I can't imagine playing this game that well with touch screen controls, assuming you don't have a controller.

I have them. Is there a specific file you want out of them because my upload speed sucks dick

I am excited for the day that Mario 64 Online happens as a single EXE (or better, int he web browser) with a better interface than the one we have. Imagine, man, imagine.

>he doesn't play the mrario version

How likely is more obscure games like Conker?

>"Oh no! I must press [conveniently mapped key] instead of [conveniently mapped gamepad button], my brain will get fried!!!"

Just wanted to download to have it with me in case it becomes harder to find later on. If it's that big then nevermind, I'll find it some other time.


>OoT and MM running with various improvements and possibly AI upscaled textures, 60 fps, all goods included

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