How often do Pokemon and trainers fuck each other...

How often do Pokemon and trainers fuck each other? You can't tell me sending out hormonal trainers out alone with only their Pokemon things don't happen between them. I bet most have their first time with their Pokemon.

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Is it so much to ask?

i think this is a advanced strain of autism

the most unrealistic thing about pokemon is that humans still exist, people would not fuck each other, just pokemon

>the most unrealistic thing about pokemon is that humans still exist,
>people would not fuck each other,
>just pokemon

It's heavily implied through multiple sources in game that your Pokemon can and will experience romantic attraction to you. Not only that, but it's also heavily implied that they WANT you to fuck them.

Now, Pokemon are not stupid. They're often depicted as more intelligent than trainers, so morally fucking one consensually would be no issue at all.

So to answer your question, quite often I'd imagine. And if Pokemon were real, no doubt would people be fucking them.

Pokemon is fucked up in so many ways when you start to think about it

Wasn't Chikorita overly thirsty for Ash?
Also in the japanese version of BW there was some dialogue about how people used to marry their Pokémon but stopped for whatecer reason.

Sorry, Diamond and Pearl.

This should sate your curiosity OP

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Probably pretty often.

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>Sleep, Paralyze powder
>Sweet scent

>Test used to check for cancer cells
>Doctors document what kind of sperm they find
Nobody is dumb enough to believe this seriously right?

>Primarina's are 87% male

never, you semen cerebrum

You'd be surprised what kind of trivial shit gets noted down in modern medical systems.

The games reference human/pokemon marriage you delusional fuck

Never, because it's a video game, and it's not real.

there it is

there was an old lady in colosseum who fucked her mightyena

Pretty sure this is bullshit. I can't find anything about canine sperm having any sort of second bulge. Everywhere I'm finding pictures, they look identical to human sperm.

Pokémon is weird.

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Furfags BTFO, post only the most based pokemon

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She looks like she fucks human nen

I'd mating press Gardevoir

But would you take responsibility for the egg?

back to your containment board furfag

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My headcanon is that it's a thing that happens, but nobody shares it or talks about it. Illegal in a lot of places, but enforcement is almost nil. After all, an unhappy pokemon is pretty obvious.

human are just another kind of pokemon created by arceus, why would it be wrong?

You're a simp

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Do you think wild Pokemon just rape female trainers and impregnate them ending their journey early?

/vp/ isn't a containment board, retard


humans used to look like Pokemon which is written in that one book in D/P/Pt that's about human and Pokemon marriage.

>disguises itself as an older woman to lure in young boys to rape
How do we stop them?

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go outside you fucking mindwarped virgin.

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Bad choice of pic, user
even if you're right

We can't. They're an endangered species and that is simply the way they breed.