Not baiting or shitposting, genuiniely wondering:

What did The Last of Us bring to gaming?

>start of the art graphics
>competent writing
>strong environmental storytelling and attention to detail

Anything else? Gameplay wise it’s a bog-standard third-person cover shooter with instant kill takedowns and craftable items.

Where did this game earn it’s heaps of praise?

Attached: 333.png (649x354, 505.26K)

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Normies don't want gameplay.

is that what I think it is

the gameplay was worse than bog-standard
it was boring, tedious garbage

it was really good and memorable IN MY OPINION.

While this thread is still early: is anyone else genuinely repulsed by the violence in the second game? It looks like torture porn

I thought the monotony of it was broken somewhat by how satisfying it feels to beat someone's skull in, or blow off half a dudes face with a shotgun. It's not particularly challenging but at least it feels good.

t. brainlet

It liked hitting niggers in the head with a pipe

No but I'm a frequent Bestgore visitor

>>competent writing
You don't even know what's writing

it came out during the Zombie trend peak, had it come out at any other time it would of been seen as the shitty walking simulator it is

>What did The Last of Us bring to gaming?

top tier acting but that's about it

It was a Playstation Exclusive. That is LITERALLY the only reason it got praise. If this launched on PC or was an Xbox exclusive you can bet your ass it wouldn't have gotten anyone to even sniff its asshole.

The violence is really satisfying. Enemies react realistically to being shot and beaten. Their AI is really good, too. They try to flank you, and they won't shoot unless you're exposed from cover.

>Devil May Cry 5 = fun, stylish violence
>Hotline Miami = surreal, over the top cartoonish violence
>Last of Us = cartel execution videos and terrorist propaganda
Druckman is seriously disturbed

>attention to detail
The game environment is trash you can't do shit there should be more things to do and Ellie is a retarded whore she should be grateful instead she's an angsty bitch i hope those guys who kidnapped her rape her Now that would be a story

>The Last of Us was the first game to have competent writing and environmental storytelling
Peak retard.

Attached: 1531981052441.jpg (747x388, 58.39K)

It's the first one to make an interactive, generic netflix series.

The violence in HL is pretty realistic, art style aside.

Nothing, which is why neo-Zig Forums hated it back in 2013. Now neo-nu-neo Zig Forums will likely hate the sequel for the same resons.

The ONLY thing it brought to the table was a new height of Hollywood mimicry for hack video game story writers to reach for. Everything else is the same shit we’ve seen before. Not even the story telling is good for a video game because it absolutely does not depend on the medium for its story to be properly told. Metal Gear Solid 2, for how cutscene-heavy it is, is a story that only makes sense in the context of a video game. Bioshock’s story only make sense as a video game. Undertale’s story only makes sense as a video game. Etc. The Last of Us? You can just slap it all onto film or the pages of a book and it’d lose nothing.

The only people that complain about the gameplay or call the game a movie game are the people that haven't played it. While the gameplay isn't anything new, it is absolutely competently made and satisfying.

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OP here, I didn't mean to say it was the first, just that those elements were praised as highlights of the game

Yes, it's on Paheal

>start of the art graphics
>competent writing
>strong environmental storytelling and attention to detail
Nothing of it.

Attached: qte.jpg (480x360, 6.88K)

Nothing, it was just a good story about mushroom zombies.

>start of the art graphics
For consoles maybe
>competent writing
It was acceptable. But, not really close to things like I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Deus Ex or Pathologic.
>strong environmental storytelling and attention to detail
It did this pretty solid yeah.
The issue I have with it, is that the game is like, a strait 7/10, pretty decent, but its treated as the greatest thing ever. the gameplay was ok, the story was ok, all in all, it was ok.

It's the Eminem of video games

>heavily marketed to casuals
>people vehemently defend its existence when other games have done the same thing but better

It didn't really excel at one area in mu opinion. It's a very average game that came out when zombies were popular in the media. The second game isn't even about zombies anymore.

>state of the arts graphics
That's a moot point since graphics would naturally be better over the years, TLoU didn't really "bring" it to gaming
>competent writing
There are a lot of games with comparable if not outright better writing.
>strong environmental storytelling and attention to detail
Same as writing, although it definitely had its moments, I wouldn't say it innovated anything.

That being said, It's a decent game. It worked well as an experience. I liked the story, the gameplay was acceptable for what It was trying to do .

> i gave all the right ansers

even the acting in 2 is shit,

It feels like it was written by functioning adults

in 2 it was written by silicon valley faggot liberals and everyone sounds insecure constantly saying "like like like like like like2

Then why did you say "TLoU brought these things to gaming"? Do you have some sort of tourettes-esque dyslexia?

Give me a video game that has a better storytelling. The Last of Us was akin to Children of Men hence why it is being rated high for it's story.

Jesus this video is based.

normies think bog standard cover shooters with companion mechanics are revolutionary because they don't play video games. videogames have just been treading shiny mediocrity for a fucking decade now.

it contributed to the further decline of video games by turning them more and more into cancerous mainstream movies/tv shows

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Planescape Torment, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Spec Ops the Line, Deus Ex, Pathologic 1 and 2, Fallout 1,2, New Vegas. Star Control 2.

>start of the art graphics
Already inferior to today's standards
>competent writing
lel, even FF has more writing than this
>strong environmental storytelling and attention to detail
Gone Home already did it