Not baiting or shitposting, genuiniely wondering:

What did The Last of Us bring to gaming?

>start of the art graphics
>competent writing
>strong environmental storytelling and attention to detail

Anything else? Gameplay wise it’s a bog-standard third-person cover shooter with instant kill takedowns and craftable items.

Where did this game earn it’s heaps of praise?

Attached: 333.png (649x354, 505.26K)

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Normies don't want gameplay.

is that what I think it is

the gameplay was worse than bog-standard
it was boring, tedious garbage

it was really good and memorable IN MY OPINION.

While this thread is still early: is anyone else genuinely repulsed by the violence in the second game? It looks like torture porn

I thought the monotony of it was broken somewhat by how satisfying it feels to beat someone's skull in, or blow off half a dudes face with a shotgun. It's not particularly challenging but at least it feels good.

t. brainlet

It liked hitting niggers in the head with a pipe

No but I'm a frequent Bestgore visitor