

Attached: aminginal.jpg (1783x2274, 3.83M)



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Attached: every animal crossing comic ever.png (906x537, 13.58K)

dude wat


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fuck i was just making this too

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lol animal crossing!

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Why is she so afraid?

she was raped once

and it changed her forever

Got anymore?

a ton more, they were posted a few days ago. from Zig Forums 2008

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Shouldn't it be coming out of a cloaca?

>gay shit
disgusting, at least post futa or something

Switch the text in the second and third panels and it's perfect. Maybe add one or two smiley faces to the first one to drive home the "hahah fwandz" aspect of the game that the comics always mention.

>balls sagging so low they collide with each other

Yeah that's the shit

Attached: 1565557006171m.jpg (1024x752, 99.2K)

I love this shit thanks for posting

Fuck it, did it myself. That will be $500, please.

Attached: aminalcorsin.png (582x644, 95.85K)

aren't the ground patches where villagers move in kill zones for trees

Shouldn't you have a rudimentary understanding of the difference between most reptiles and tuataras?

very good, thank you

Attached: like.jpg (272x153, 17.18K)

Why is "reddit: the game" allowed to be posted here so often?
Seriously if you play this shit, do yourself a favor and take a bath in an icelake.

These comics are the direct opposite of boomer comics
>Life bad
>Technology good

Is there a full collage of comics that make this exact same joke? I feel like I've seen at least a half dozen now

Switch the text in the second & fourth panel


Why is "bait: the shitpost" allowed to be posted here so often?
Seriously if you post this shit, do yourself a favor and take a bath in an icelake.

this gave me a chub

Attached: d90.jpg (482x427, 74.8K)

Can you raise frogs in animal crossing tho?

Attached: muh tadpoles 3.jpg (2880x3840, 752.71K)

I don't really get it, but okay. That color's going to jack up the price to $700, though. Sorry, my rates are non-negotiable.

Attached: aminalcorsin2.png (582x644, 91.22K)

nice saved, thanks