Reminder: Steam is the worst thing that has ever happened to pc gaming

>was needed to install hl2, forced itself into everyone's system
>started selling tons of other people's games shortly later
>as games piled up in people's library people started to exclusively buy from steam to keep everything in one place (not monopoly at all)
>steam sales tricked people to buy countless garbage they never even launch, further making people stay in steam
>at this point valve's gotten so lazy they add workshop to tf2 so people can make hats for tf2 instead of valve. (valve makes money of your work and gets most of the profits)
>why stop there? introduce greenlight or something... it was filled with half assed unity shit and people always voted for bad meme games
>they made it even worser later on. now any random scammer can put their game on store for a small fee. no moderation at all. at this point steam is 99 percent filled with garbage. impossible to find new games and pretty much killed indie scene at steam (in b4 muh this pixelated indie rpg adventure game i found on steam randomly is actually not that bad user! lololol)
>at some point they tried to monetize mods except modders only got like 30 percent (lol) or something. thankfully it was instantly removed
>also scammed people with tons of useless hardware in the past. what was it again? steam box?
>did i say past? they are still scamming people with shit like 1000 dollar (ahahaha) vr googles

i'm sure i missed a few things but you get the idea. i'm not telling you to stop playing vidya or go pirate only but you are part of the problem by consooming this crap. this is the future you chose. as long as you accept the steam like it is and keep rewarding this monopoly, pc gaming will worsen every year. be part of the solution or at least don't be a steamdrone.

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I disagree.

Fair enough, but they are also a reason indie scene is as big as it is today, so there was some good that came out of it

cry more

I use steam because it's simple and keeps track of all my games. Cry harder.


Cope some more Timmy.

fuck off tim

kys faggot

>t. child of a Best Buy store manager

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>people started to exclusively buy from steam to keep everything in one place (not monopoly at all)
I mean, is kind of hard to not be a monopoly if there was absolutely zero competition


This. There was Steam and that's about it.

What really made Steam popular were their sales... back when they were good.

goddamn i'm gonna bet all my money on the SA Spurs to win the ring next year, thank you bro

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Seethe more tranny.

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sounds like you have a bigger gripe against people who can't control their impulses. The only other complaints here are that steam has too many games and fags still play tf2.

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>fuck off shill
steamfags are the biggest corporate cucksuckers in the world. and they do it for free.

Join the fight, join the resistance again the evil steam empire.

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Okay chink.

did you took your free poggers meal for this week, epicuck?

Maybe the other vidya companies shouldn't have basically abandoned PC gaming and distribution for a decade and a half, they'd have more of a foot in the door that way.

You had a chance to express your opinions in a coherent manner, yet you choose to use hyperbolic greentext

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I dont think you fuckers even remember the stage of PC gaming before Steam. As consoles took over, the shelf space for PC games kept shrinking and shrinking. The only thing you would find at retail stores were copies of Blizzard games like Starcraff, Diablo, and WoW, all crammed in the same shelf with Mavis Beacon Teachea Typing and Reader Rabbit. Patches and bug fixes for lesser known games would be grabbed off shitty third party websites which would have slow as fuck servers or broken links.
Steam launched and it was a broken piece of shit. If it was as bad to the industry as you dumb fucks like to claim, it would have died then and there. But people stuck by it for a reason. They provided a much needed service. A very much needed one.

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>not mentioning that they killed the physical PC market
I miss them big fucking boxes like you wouldn't believe.

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The thing is, you're not wrong, but Steam was very much a Catch-22/monkey's paw situation.
When it first launched in the early 00s, it was VERY necessary. Piracy was so rampant, a lot of devs lost faith in the PC as a platform entirely. Steam helped bring people back, and turned the PC into the mainstream game box it is today.
But yeah, a lot of the problems you mention *are*, very much, problems.
But Steam, at least as a concept, was necessary. PC gaming exists today almost exclusively because of it.

So whats your alternative or """Solution"""?

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>I miss them big fucking boxes like you wouldn't believe.

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You got it backwards.
Steam didn't kill the physical market. Steam existed to fill the void left by the already dead physical market.

Steam isn't forcing anyone to buy games from their store, nor devs to put their games in there. If they do it's because it's worth it for both of them.
I'm not saying it's without downsides, but if you put everything into scale, then it's worth it. Otherwise they would be either bankrupt or changing their policies.

nexus is fucking trash

This. Shilling aside Steam has been a massive boost for pc gaming to exist the way it does now. Back then getting games was not only shit but you also wouldn't get any updates/fixes and half the time required a CD/DVD to run then, which slowly deteriorated over time. Most of the shit you played was just pirated and installed shitty malware into your system.

OP made maybe one or two good points of steam being greedy, but then..
>tricked people into buying
>forced people to install

fucking brainlet, you have the power to choose not to do install steam and after that YOU decide what you buy, steam isn't tricking you to do shit.

Lastly, for every negative there are positives. Did you suddenly forget features you get for free off steam? Like games with steam servers integration, meaning you join/host games with a single click, or remote play, or local co op games being playable online, or steam family share that let's you share your library?

But I still bougth physical PC copies until the early 10s...

Still not downloading it

>removes sprays

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>But people stuck by it for a reason. They provided a much needed service. A very much needed one.

They actually stayed because CS 1.6 and HL2 was only playable through it you fucking nigger.