When did the magic die?

When did the magic die?

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When he started forcing the anger.

dunno never watched him

he always forced the anger, retard. it just sounded a more passionate back then.

That's what I mean incel.

Episode 101 was the last good one.

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties was his peak

Before the movie

This guy, FRED, pew pew die and Paul Simon or whatever are all the same quality. The fact you like one over the other shows youre the fool

Some recent episodes are good. Seaman and Earthbound are kino

I haven't seen the movie in like 10 years, how was it again.

logan paul*

When he sold his company for $4

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I was just thinking about the dildo cock thing the other day, how fucking pathetic can you be.

>t. Mike, creator of "Loco Bandito"

Even rewatching older avgn videos, you can’t help but notice faults, more than you think. You also notice sometimes he did the minimum in his gameplay, how he didn’t put in the effort. A good example of that is the milon’s secret castle episode. Once he figured he didn’t know the correct pattern to get into rooms, he just stops the review. Another example is the dragon’s lair nes episode. He figured out what he had to outside of the castle but he stops the review then because he didn’t wanna deal with the game anymore. He’s not as great as we think he is. Entertaining? Sure

Rental reviews trying to be like red letter media.

when I realized Mike is the actual angry video game nerd.

so you just need other people to correct your posts then, huh retard? you must have been in special ed classes in school

When he went HD.

Forget the magic, where did the hair go?

>you must have been in special ed classes in school

When he moved onto 5th gen shovelware. PS1 shovelware reviews just don't hit the same


When he started doing shitty skits and including guess starts.

Which to be fair was about 20 episodes in, so that.


Around 2010.

Damn bro sick zinger



When Youtube became monetized company bullshit. Back when it was Youtube and not YouTuBe

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have sex

idk man I still have fun watching the new episodes maybe you are all old and faggots

I will with you

Ok, I'm a power top, if my terminology is correct

Not for much longer faggot. Bend over.

When he started balding