Persona 5 hate thread

Sick and tired of this game being shilled nonstop 24/7 on Zig Forums
>every slink except the politician's are fucking garbage and almost all resolution of conflicts involve you going to mementos to beat a miniboss
>all character development of the main characters are within their respective slinks, and any development there does not carry over to the main story
>3rd and 5th palaces and arcs are irredeemable dogshit
>embarrassing fanfic-tier story

This video does an amazing job of eviscerating this shit game:

Only because it analyzes each slink and rightfully points out how shit each one is. Skip to 2:15:30 for the analysis of the story.

Fuck this game. It's easily the worst entry in the series.

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lmao wall of text

Absolutely based. Fuck Nusona.

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I like anime tropes and sol but persona's characters feel so soulless to me. maybe it's the dub

lol nerd

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Console peasant garbage

>getting mad about 1s and 0s

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>5 hour long video
lol nah

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Confession: I don't like Persona because I was a loser in highschool and no girl liked me and seeing all the girls jump into the MC's dick makes me sad and mad and I just deleted the iso and never touched the franchise again.

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Hey man what's your problem, you see persona actually saved atlus from bankruptcy, it's not a masterpiece game but it's pretty good, it's a game aimed at teenagers, with social life's, you if aren't a teenager with a social life you wouldn't understand it, that's why Twitter and Tumblr love it so much.
Persona is not evil it's actually good because it gave the budget so we can get more SMT games.

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Idk who's more retarded, the guy who makes a 5hr long analisis on a videogame or the guy who watches it because need validation on his insecure opinions.

I fucking hate Joker.

Is this how personafags cope?

personatrannies seething

>literally can’t refute anyone ITT that likes it

>good and likeable characters
>5th palace isnt great but its like 1/16th of the game
>5 hours long
haha fun game yay

You know why I stopped playing? Because it's just a movie you watch in which you can move around now and then. There is so little actual gameplay that I almost fell asleep while playing.

I'm sorry that your generation's attention span is so small that you can't sit through story in a story driven game

yep sums up the vid

t.Salty SMT fan

>you if aren't a teenager with a social life you wouldn't understand it
i would say that if you aren't a teenager with NO social life you wouldn't understand it

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I hate this game so much that it's become a sticking point in how I judge people. I think of people as worse for liking Persona 5. It's so frustrating that it has become a runaway hit.

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>every slink except the politician's are fucking garbage and almost all resolution of conflicts involve you going to mementos to beat a miniboss

Subjective opinion of story elements does not equal empirical proof of quality and as for the miniboss thing its admittedly a bit repetitive but Jrpgs are born out of repetition so i dont know what you expected

>all character development of the main characters are within their respective slinks, and any development there does not carry over to the main story

the changes are subtle and are there, they cannot be overt because if someone doesnt slink with a specific character it would not make sense in their play through for that character to go through changes

>3rd and 5th palaces and arcs are irredeemable dogshit

again opinions =/= facts, but as a counter opinion the 3rd palace arc is one of my favorites and I think while the 5th is the weakest part of the game a lot of the criticisms are overblown by contrarians

>embarrassing fanfic-tier story

again just an inflammatory opinion that can neither be empirically proven or disproven as evidence to the games quality

go ahead and comeback when you have something other than a tl;dr video of some youtube nobody whining about how he didnt like jrpg elements in his jrpg

>bad guy is revealed that he is bad
>still wins election
what did they mean by this?

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>still using the term console peasant in 2020


seething P3cuck no one cares about your outdated game anymore

Fucking seethe. We just played the game with our brains switched off and then went about our lives. You're the one obsessed enough to watch a 5 hour video nitpicking an anime game.

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Reset the "days since Zig Forums cried about P5" counter boys

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>the 3rd palace arc is one of my favorites
I'm actually interested in your opinion, care to elaborate?

You actually summed up the video very well.

I agree with all the points.

I will just say that the first third was so promising. I guess it fooled a lot of people.

Makoto is trash.

It's crazy how 1-note characters are in the game, they could have tried to make them 2 dimensional at least...

I want to kiss Makoto’s forehead and cuddle so bad bros..