GPU manufacturers are so full of shit

Me trying to buy an RX 5700 GPU

>Sure, we've got a Twin Boost Silver Power Up Down Left Right for £399
>We've got the Ice Turbo with Lock Grip and Igloo-Tech for £450 or the Ice Turbo with Lock Grip and Igloo-Tech 2.0 currently on sale for £459
>There's the Master Power 1-2-3 GO with enhanced backtraceability for £159
>And of course, the Mega Master Cunt Mech Suit Platnium Fury ++ DLX6.0 for £4,567

Attached: unnamed.jpg (482x512, 38.21K)

Salesman are the scum of the earth. Research exactly what you want and buy it online to save money and not feed the leeches.

ALWAYS buy the cheapest version of any GPU.

Don't get an AMD GPU. This is your warning.

>Me trying to buy an RX 5700 GPU
>go to Newegg
>add to cart
>be done with buying new GPU
also, why are you getting assraped on pricing? that shit should be sub-£300 by now.

you need the strongest processor

>not getting the Ice Turbo with Lock Grip and Igloo-Tech 2.0

Just look for a good quiet cooler on it they are almost all the same in performance

it's a 'OP is a lying dumb shit' episode

Attached: Screenshot_2020-05-07 Amazon co uk RX 5700.png (2895x1182, 595.63K)

my frickin 980 Ti shorted the first week of the lockdown. And now I'm not sure if the "XFX RX 5700 Xt Thicc III Ultra 8GB Boost Up to 2025MHz GDDR6 3xDP" (actual product name) will fit in my Corsair 350D microATX.

Do you think the XFX Radoen RX 5700 XL Dd Boost Up Ultra 8GB would fit?

Attached: IMG_1528.jpg (4032x3024, 2.58M)

it;s a nice case , it see no problem
be sure to use overclockers co uk as well
i got some good cheap stuff from there

Attached: Screenshot_2020-05-07 PC Systems Components Overclockers UK.png (2925x1327, 1.46M)

Easily. The triple fan one I assume is what you looked at, looks long so I could see why you're worried. It'll be fine.

Am I missing something or is your GPU slot all the way up top? It looks blocked off.

Buying a new gpu just before the next gen consoles release is so dumb

What would you recommend

Partpickers says yes, but reviews say no

It's a Mini ITX motherboard


guys i am thinking on an 5600 xt (not ready to jump to 1440p), but i just learned that rdna2 would have ray tracing support, should i wait? i mean even a ps5 is going to have one.

>read reviews
>only buy Zotac or EVGA Nvidia cards
>only buy Sapphire or Powercolor AMD cards
problem solved idiot

if you don't have a GPUjust get a cheappo rx 580 for under 100quid as a stand in
it is worth a wait in my oppinion

My 980 Ti was EVGA and it was the most expensive component of my build by far, and the only to have failed me after 4 years.
Never buying EVGA again. The 4 pin connector starting shorting

this is why you don't cheap out on your PSU

I believe any more or less known brand is ok for Nvidia, meanwhile for AMD (Ati) cards, it's always a gamble, but in addition, combined with drivers that actually are fucking ass and will crash themselves or even the whole system

>drivers that actually are fucking ass
a 699$ 780ti aged worse than a freaking six time cheaper 7790

Attached: AMD-Radeon-NVIDIA-GeForce-Graphics-Performance-Benchmarks_Doom-Eternal_2-740x416.png (740x416, 135.27K)

wrong on every count except i'll give you that the 5000 series drivers sucked for months
i mean really, imagine buying a fucking MSI or Asus GPU for either brand
jesus christ

>I'm too fucking retarded to use easily accessible tools that will help me in buying a new GPU.
>Better post on Zig Forums

Fuck off you gimp.

I will never understand how can a hardware manufacturer be regarded as the best at making a specific computer part but at the same time the worst at making another specific computer part

I bought rx 480 nitro plus am i allready dead?

Why buy a micro atx mobo if you have an atx case?

why would you get the 480 and not the 580? even the 580 is already old stuff nowadays

No, the companies purposefully make it confusing for you so they can sell you something at an inflated and you won't realise in one year when it's obsolete kit that lost all value

Gigabyte makes great MOBOs, but are total shit at everything else.

My bad had a brainfart there its the 580 i actually have

dunno I never had a bad experience with their GPUs, let it be AMD/ATI or NVIDIA

I agree the nomenclature is retarded, but at least you have plenty of options.

>Advanced Micro Dicks

They tend to run hotter than spec for no appreciable increase in performance. As far as i'm aware, they don't have significantly higher failure rates than expected, so its more of a
>worse than the baseline or good options

Get it? Cause you can't play games on it :3

Consoles determine the new baseline so when spending proper amounts of money you really should wait to see how the consoles play out. I wouldn't want to be a vramlet right now for instance.