Japanese games are cringe

Japanese games are cringe.

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someone post the japanese humor webm
you know the one

No doubt, but as an Xbro what is worse - Japanese games or having ___no__ games?

the only acceptable xbox wojaks, and very well any wojaks, are the skeletons
otherwise fuck off

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Ironic for an Xbot to say that when they were the only thing carrying your dumb console for anyone who wasn't sold on babbies first fps alone.

just coom to western women

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How does it feel to get knotted?

>Japanese games are cringe.
and boring, and autistic, and shit...and boring.

I can't imagine growing up playing western games

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Like it or not Xbox and Windows are a merged platform now. I don’t have a gaming PC but I do have an Xbone X. Sunset Overdrive, D4, Quantum Break, Sea of Thieves are available for Windows but they’re not on PlayStation.

Says the fanboy that just got a few on his Sexbox.

Snoys pretend they have pcs. Of course you can't find one that plays Forza on their pc or any Microsoft game.

>merged platform.
>games announced for Xbox and PC aren't going to Windows 10 store but the Steam store now.
Sure buddy.

Cringe thread.

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but having no games is even more cringe

I don't play Forza because Forza ain't burnout. It's follow the line simulator.

Skeleton Xbox Wojak is the only good designed Wojak.

Xbox fans not liking Japanese games is a meme. Also, the number 1 most active xbox club is Anime. It's just that Japanese people don't buy Xbox.

>Xbox fans not liking Japanese games is a meme
It's really not
It's a proven fact

Kill yourself


games are cringe

Microsoft would be foolish not to make their stuff available to the biggest PC storefront of course, but the PC versions of their games are Windows only is what I’m saying.

With Steam. they aren't.

It's not a proven fact. Maybe those gamepass numbers of people playing final fantasy and yakuza games will show you that. It's just Japan literally doesn't buy Xbox. It's a proven fact that a lot weebs have blind loyalty to snoy. Imagine being into Japanese games and not buying an og xbox for ninja gaiden and jet set radio future alone back then.

What are you talking about? I doubt I can play Gears 5 on MacOS. Steam is a platform but most people run it on Windows.

Phil doesn't think so. Be humble, Xbro.

>having to forcefeed games down dudebros throats means xbox users like japanese games

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Let me help you imagine it, imagine being a big strong chad with dozens of women begging to suck your cock and going to many parties with your friends and having a fun time

Weebs wont understand this

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Weeb shit? No thanks, not interested. Not now not later

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Steam has been working on something to force Windows games to work on MacOS and Linux.
So no. If something's on steam. It's eventually on every other OS as well.

Asians have low T

Cringe is cringe.


why are you here

>he didn’t grow up with all of his high school friends playing Halo 3 with like four Xboxs linked up together
Sucks to suck I guess

>larping as a chad while posting on Zig Forums

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>why are you here

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japanese games arent cringe they just belong on japanese systems. we'll let our nintenfrens deal with them.

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I don't play Forza on PC cause i don't care about racing games. The only xbox game i played on PC is MCC because no other xbox game seems worthwhile.

I did. Then the Xbox 360 died. 4 times. and I moved on to a PS3. Which never died and is still in working condition.
Then Xbone happened with it's NSA scare and no games. and we all moved over to PS4 and PC.
I doubt Sexbox is really going to change how Me and my buds play anymore.

bro mgs is a jap game. you had one job