Y'all hyped?

Y'all hyped?

Attached: Intellivision-Amico-Galaxy-Purple-Limited-Edition-Only-at-GameStop (1).jpg (768x768, 33.12K)

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>New exclusive Earthworm Jim game
Unironically yes.

I'm "hyped" to see what happens with it. Not interested to getting one, at least not with the current price. I'll just wait and see what happens

Unironically have a founders edition pre-order but I actually expect it to be a slow flop.
It'll come out, it'll hang around for a while and it'll disappear. Ten years from now someone will write a book.

I'll enjoy it myself but that doesn't mean it'll be a success.
Anyway, out of my fucking way scrubs, i've got a Burger Time high score to beat.

>No microtransactions
>No bullshit
>At least some level of shovelware filter that all other platforms have stopped doing
>New EWJ
>New multiplayer ECCO they actually got the fucking license and agreement from Ed
>Updated wii bowling

How can I not be hyped?

it all sounds good on paper but well who knows. it's probably good for families or drunk party games because you can use phones as controllers if needed

yeah I'll be hyped to play earthworm jim on steam 1 month later

>>At least some level of shovelware filter that all other platforms have stopped doing

Nigga, have you seen the games on this thing?


They look like shovelware you might have seen on facebook or mobile app stores in 2012.

New Gamer Warz inc?



oh I'm sure those work great with local multiplayer and no micro-transactions

Attached: 2xrx2hsg2h801.png (769x733, 34.32K)

I'm willing to bet that our concepts of shovelware are just different is all.
I'm looking forward to refreshes of all those old titles, I want my new burger time and lock n chase. I want the updated pong and arkanoid.

Have you looked at STEAM recently? It's 90% shovelware. So i'll be happy with a store that's 50%.

We'll just have to see.

>preorders closed :^)
a bold strategy

That's the ONLY positive thing about this!!
Hopefully its a timed exclusive


IT'S easy to embellish something if you mention the bad things it doesn't do...

I'm looking forward to it but I'm really biased so don't take anything I say for real.

I played the Intellivision as a kid, so it has huge nostalgia pull for me, I also have always been a fan of Tommy all through the years watched him on television, enjoyed his music, hell i've even been to VGL. So like I said, i'm biased to hell and just going to be happy to have a signed one in my ownership even if it sucks.

This unironically

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I think I'd say I'm on the same boat as a lot of people. It looks surprisingly cool, but way too pricey for what they are offering. I'm going to see how it goes after the first round of preorders, but in all likelihood I'm going to buy one way after the fact, second hand, for a price I'd prefer to pay.
Otherwise the whole concept feels like a fools errand, but hey, people seem excited, maybe it will be a success.

>Not jewing people on controllers
>Hell get as many controllers as you like for free

>Not jewing people on game prices
>Giving more and more free stuff away with the pre-orders even after they've closed

>Entirely self financed

>Has the backing and support of big names from all over the industry including Sony, Nintendo and SEGA
>The core team are all people who worked in the industry themselves, none of them are just ideas men or salespeople not even Tommy who people love to hate

Is it going to be a failure? Yes. Because they're pulling a Skinner and thinking it's the players who are at fault. But it's not going to be a failure because it sucks, they're just marketing it to people who don't exist.

AtariAge shills represent YO!

I have an old black one but I've never gotten around to fixing it

Can someone link me to where I can actually buy one?

I don't want it to flop, but I have no intentions, of actually purchasing it. Doesn't appeal to me.
Being realistic though, it's probably going to crash and burn.

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Gamestop, when it comes out some time in october unless there are delays which they'll blame on Covid lol

I think you can only put a 100 dollar pre-order deposit down for one at Fig at the moment.
I'm personally quite hesitant myself. I don't want to end up with an ouya situation myself.
I think it will be a lot better then that because Tommy has his shit together and is good at organising projects. But I think to myself: Will I actually play it?

>Will I actually play it?

And this is what it all comes down to at the end of the day.
They have the capability and experience to make a well made console. But a well made console with games nobody younger than 40 wants to play is going to be a failure.

I can't decide which one I want. But I think I may actually buy this instead of an Xbox.

Attached: amico.png (1210x816, 241.05K)

Actually, there are people from the original Intellivision working on this.

I think it's biggest competitor is unironically the Raspberry Pi.
Anyone can get a Pi 4 for about £50, the stuff to go with it for another £50-odd and use a controller I already have to emulate thousands of games.

That's a pretty serious decision, $249 is a lot of money to put down on an unproven passion project and surely SOMETHING on the xboner interests you?

Do you know any of the old games? Are you looking forward to any in particular?
Not trying to put you off, i've already pre-ordered mine but i'm 40 years old, not exactly the normal gamer.

he posted on atariage and said that 35,000 consoles will be available on launch, which is way below what they wanted due to covid.

I'm getting a PS5. The thing is I usually also get an Xbox and I see which one I like before selling the other to my younger brother.

But this time around I may just go with a PS5 and Amico. Even if Amico sucks I want more of these types of consoles to come out that aren't Nintendo and shit so I feel like I should support this.

>Burger Time
>Beauty and the Beast
>Lock n Chase
>Fucking Misty Mountain

Yeah, i'm looking forward to it

If it was priced at $180 I think people would be a lot more interested.
It should really be priced in the same bracket as a handheld. It's pretty budget and I think it would appeal to an older more casual demographic with kids that way.

If Tommy is smart he'll let the homebrew community do their thing with it. Nobody outside of moms with Nintendogs was interested in the original DS until later in its life, but homebrew devs filled the gap when they realized that the DS was literally the cheapest worthwhile touch screen device on the market at the time.

I would rather eat shovelware then be forced to eat lootbox/microtransaction ridden garbage.


I think 249.99 is pretty steep but who knows. Maybe if they can get enough hardcores to buy it this year, next year they can drop the price to 200.

holy fuck the games look like shit hahah
why did he pick german rave music for this trailer

Biggest blunder of this trailer was including roughly 10 seconds of a mobile game you can get on your phone since 2015. Everything else I can accept as WIP.

>I think it's biggest competitor is unironically the Raspberry Pi

The biggest competitor is the Switch for sure. Tommy literally said he wanted to reach the same audience that the Wii did, and the Switch is filling that role currently. The Switch also happens to be performing well with the hardcore market, so these games better be damn good. I really think Tommy is shooting himself in the foot by arbitrarily limiting the games that can be published for the thing to a rating of E10 or lower.

The bad things it does do are minuscule to the ones you're referring to.

3:14 more gameplay than the Xbox presentation.

I really like how the spider moves in the Night Stalker remake