I've never noticed this before, but is the end of Aldrich's spear the Gravelord servant...

I've never noticed this before, but is the end of Aldrich's spear the Gravelord servant? Did he consume Nito or something?

Attached: Aldrich_%282%29.jpg (340x316, 17.96K)

That's the implication, yes.

Also the skulls on his ass are nito's. He consumed Nito, Gwyndolin, and slithered his way into the painting and ate Priscilla too

I think so. He also uses Priscilla's scythe during the fight, possibly meaning he consumed her as well. He is called Devourer of *Gods*

Weird. Nito should've been killed by chosen undead, unlike Gwyndolin and Priscilla who were optional.

Aldritch can create miracles by consuming things. He managed to consume something related to Nito earlier in his life, possibly before his reincarnation already. He also created Lifehunt Scythe in form of a miracle while consuming Gwyndolin.

He also ate Smough.

He didn't consume Priscilla, he found out about her while consuming Gwyndolin who obviously knew about her since her painting was in his domain. Or maybe there's something more to him and Priscilla but the game doesn't elaborate on it.

Someone did an analysis of the song for Aldrich and has has the same beat and harpsichord in the song as Nito's song

Well you kill Ornstien and Smough in ds1 too, but we know they survived past then

Is it that weird when a boss can survive by having himself broken into fragments that are all women?

The flow of time itself is convoluted; with heroes centuries old phasing in and out. The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure. There's no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact.

>implying he is not Smough

Yeah the game is really ambiguous when it comes to this.

And the chosen undead should have killed Seath, but you can find a fragment of his soul in The Duke's Dear Freja in DaS2. It's all cyclical - even though the actual Nito died in DaS1 another being rose to take his place, using similar weapons and magic.

There are enough chosen undeads throughout history to fill the world with ash.

>but you can find a fragment of his soul in The Duke's Dear Freja in DaS2.
Wait what? You can? Where?

Time and space are "convoluted". Also ds3 is basically fanfiction. It lacks the intrigue and weight of ds1. Even ds2 story is more effective.

Nobody says Aldritch consumed Nito himself, for all we know he could either find the remains or the gravelord sword.

That and everything else he came in contact with.

DS2's dumbshit lore regarding the lord souls is never mentioned in 3 so i don't even consider it canon

Drops on NG+

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You need the lord souls (or a shitload of normal ones) to reignite the flame. They just don't disappear.

DS3 lore follows its own path since it's actually a story about futility of trying to re-ignite the same ideas and enter the same river twice.
It has extremely solid moments like Sully's power trip or the civil war in Lothric which is enough for the lore to be better than 2's incoherent mumblefuck nonsense.

Huh, I never knew that

DS2 happens so much later after DS3 that it's a different cycle altogether.

No, you find Drang Knights working as basic sellswords and Ruin Knights tried to invade Ringed City only to get fucked so DS2 certainly happens before 3. It just doesn't use the dumbest DS2 lore bits like Manus being split into four trannies.

>it's actually a story about futility of trying to re-ignite the same ideas and enter the same river twice.
That's literally what DS2 story is as well.
>It has extremely solid moments like Sully's power trip or the civil war in Lothric which is enough for the lore to be better than 2's incoherent mumblefuck nonsense.
DS2 has some great moments in the story as well. Vendrick retreating to the undead crypt when he realizes he's failed. Or how Raime became the Fume Knight

Thats something i never fully understood. So story wise, why is it a big deal when you encounter characters like solaire hollow? Wouldnt that mean theres always the potential to see him in different locations normal?

I get "video games", but i was always curious about the story implications.

I think ds2 stands better on its own than 3. It is nonsense i agree. I just like it better than 3. Nothing resonated with me not Sullyvan, not ringed city. Barely even remember anything else.

>That's literally what DS2 story is as well.
DS2 adopts completely cyclical view of the world. Even if we do nothing the new kingdoms will still rise. The age of darkness will bring the new age of fire.
In DS3 the cycle of life was supported by meaningless sacrifices of hollows thrown into the First Flame. The world requires radical change. The paintings need to burn with new one replacing the old.

>Fire happens
>Beings find the lord souls
>War between Gwyn and the Dragons happens
>Gwyn wins, creates Lordran and anor londo
>Dark Souls 1 happens
>Either you link the fire and another cycle happens, or you don't, the fire goes out, but enough embers remain that it eventually comes back
>Unknown amount of cycles
>Dark Souls 2, random cycle in the middle to show the futility of your choice.
>Unknown amount of cycles
>Dark Souls 3, the last cycle.

>In DS3 the cycle of life was supported by meaningless sacrifices of hollows thrown into the First Flame. The world requires radical change.
Literally the plot of DS2.

that's only because DS3 is full retard.

>I think ds2 stands better on its own than 3
Don't think so. DS2 actually re-uses as much ideas of 1 as 3, it just tries to be vague to the point of retardation about it because nothing in the game was planned well. So instead of a clean story and themes like in 3 it ends up being just retarded. It was so retarded they needed to introduce Aldia and his entire storyline to somewhat fix it.

Solaire is the protagonist of his own world. I don't think he exists in others or your own. Once he's hollow, he's hollow for good.

Isn't the painter girl implied to be Priscilla's daughter?

The plot of DS2 is that nothing matters and First Flame doesn't matter too, you can fuck off to search for "another answer" but it's never even elaborated upon.
Actually i like the idea of Wolnir being DS2 protagonist. Fits perfectly.

You're both right, in DS2 you play as a random cycle sometime between the beginning (DS1) and the end (DS3). Dark Souls 3 has a similar plot, but it happens at the end of the timeline, after everything's been left to rot in this constant cycle of death and rebirth for unknown eons. One of them shows how bad everything is getting. The other shows how bad things end up.


Hey bros I'm going to replay ds3, what weapon/armor/meme build should i use? Please no 1kat or GS/UGS

Isn't Seaths soul literally Gwyns?
Everlasting dragons aren't suppose to have souls since they predate the first flame.

Parting Pyromancy flame + chaos infused caestus
Become the fire punch

Yes. Gwyn fragmented his soul and gave it to the Lords.

he didn't consume Priscilla, he dreamed about her after eating Gwyndolin (presumably based on Gwyndolin's memories) and based his Lifehunt Scythe attack off of the dream

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