Gold Beach or Blue Ocean, Zig Forums?

Gold Beach or Blue Ocean, Zig Forums?

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>Completely normal girl seen in every piece of Japanese media ever.
>Huge fucking titties

Would have to go with both.

gold beach of course

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I like the way you guys think.

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Gold beach so i can finish on this finnish tits

Blue Ocean because I love Generic East Asian Girlâ„¢

Always a goldenchad

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Post the other girl
The one in 5th grade

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I want to commit several crimes


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The little slut even has one of those alarm thing so she can call an audience while I'm fucking her, you know she wants it

Huge titties blonde, every time.


Man, I should install a Vita emulator so I can play this. Meant to do that for ages but it always slipped my mind.

kultaranta of course

Blue you can have your Golden shower

God I fucking wish I got a golden shower from mariana.

>the hands which are clearly supposed to be on her hips but are actually a good two inches away
3Dshit, everyone.

Blue's tits are too big so I'll have to go with Gold.

But gold's tits are bigger.


What? are there working ps vita emulators?


Why is she hopping around while blushing? What a slut.

Translation when?

probably gold unless blue is a massive whore

Gold Beach

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>Only released on a console with no emulation available, only in Japan and the DLC requires you to have your own dedicated proprietary Sony SD Card because you can't have your US and Jap PSN accounts on the same card

As a person who even imported Japanese PSVita games, this handheld is true suffering.

You described the blonde one twice.