Delisted/Removed Games

The publisher's gone belly up, governments causes a fuss, or expired licenses pull them from the market as the publisher declines to renew IPs.

What are some great titles no longer available to game enthusiasts around the world?

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The transformers war for cybertron series

007 games

Devastation too, and that game was listed for like four months.

marble blast ultra
war for/fall of cybertron
dont pay too much attention to delisted games but those ones i know because i miss them dearly

Orcs must die unchained

The only ones I have that can't be bought at all are the Scott Pilgrim beat-em-up and Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. Have both of them on my 360

The Guy Game

Telltale nuked several of their titles from distribution following their disintegration, including the two game series from the OP. If you're at all a fan of poker it's a shame you can't give them a try, the interactive character dialog really livens up the play.

I have 3 delisted games on Steam, iirc. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (not the director's cut), Duke Nukem Megaton, and Neverwinter 2.

I agree, my brother and I used to play it a lot and we got a lot of fun quotes out of it
I still love Brock's "Biiig mistake, junior"

Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Also, this gem:

Dark Souls: Prepare to Die

dirt 2 and 3
dirt 2 prices are ridiculous at key reselling websites

MVC 2 got delisted years ago and I'm still mad

Duke nukem 3D Megaton edition

Sleeping Dogs, Definitive Edition is worse edition, removes songs and fucks with graphics, makes fog look worse and adds some retarded filters

this kino along with outrun
what's worse is it never got a pc port and the android version that's still available plays like dogshit

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only ever played the cabinet game version for that series, how's it play on a home edition?

Bit of a related thing, how about the removal of audio tracks from GTA IV radio stations?

>marble blast ultra
this desu

Metro 2033. I bought it before Redux but I can't access the Ranger Pack DLC.

Alpha Protocol.
I think No One Lives Forever suffered a similar fate.

Scott Pilgrim. I watched a video with a breakdown of information and it sucks a good game like that went through hell and back only to get shitfaced years later.
It's turning 10 years old this year and would like to see it return to market. Hell, I'll even shill money for a legitimate PC port.

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Max cuts deep

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Wtf. Pumpkins are in this game? I beat it 4 times and don't remember that at all. Also RIP to all those great songs. Never gonna update that shit.

Damn, Duke has fallen on hard times.

Sh-Shut up Max!

By the gods, what have you done to that poor sprite?

>It's now illegal to own because it technically has cheese pizza in it

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hmm, so a whore that started early derailed that game
