The state of Nintendo in 2020

>the state of Nintendo in 2020


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Nintendo shills will unironically come in here and defend Club House Games. They're incapable of shame at this point.

>Sony and Microsoft on the precipice of next gen
>Nintendo has shovelware, dlc, and 1 (one) port of a good game coming

>BOTW 2 pushed to TBA status


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>Actual good game

>Xbox event today
>It's a complete shitshow

Just cancel video games, I'm fucking done.

> Nintendo putting out 50+ games in june alone


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Wasnt much of a show so I wont defend it, but at least its not their main show of the year.

I can play literally any of these games on windows XP or miniclip. Good bait tho

Haven't been keeping up as diligently due to backlog, what's that third game?

Was it worth watching for the lulz or should I take a nap instead?

>BOTW 2 pushed to TBA status
It never had a release date when it was announced, faggot

And what do sony and ms have? What games?

I don't see any trannies in that pic

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>a ps2 port
>a bunch of garbage
A whole game, all to sony's self.

The bottom three aren't even games wtf...

What's the Japanese game?

>No deadly premonition 2
>No NMH 3

The fact that W101 Remastered, XBC DE, and BfBB Rehydrated are all releasing within a month of each other will probably keep me busy for the rest of the year.

I remember the Nintendie collages that would include Snipper Clips and 1,2 Switch

>No Cribbage

Nintendo are you even trying?

Is the red game not DP2?

gayest line up ever

There hasn't been a direct yet. Cry more snoyfag

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they will annouce games for this year, we just a direct mini

looks comfy

Sony and MS get like one, maybe two big exclusives a year and no one says anything
Nintendo typically puts out at least six and everyone loses their mind


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>Buy Switch for 300$ at launch
>Purchase 512GB SD card and a jig
>Hack it
>Enjoy tons of amazing games for free with all DLC and updates
>Laugh at virgins seething because people enjoy games and they feel nothing on the inside anymore.

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this same thread was literally made minutes ago

>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.

I like Nintendo, but the switch seriously some good games soon.
I still have a sizeable backlog, but the future is looking bleak.

Because there's literally nothing else to do with a switch. If you make something unappealing to every third party you need to carry the extra weight.

Control your fucking dog you dumb bitch fucking FUCK as a vet tech this shit pisses me off.



>those are the only exclusive games on switch
>multiplats don't count as games

>tfw bought switch for XC2, Prime 4, Bayo 3, SMTV
>only games I've played on it that I've actually enjoyed are XC2 and Tropical Freeze
At least XCDE will keep me busy for a while, but I can't believe these other games have been fucking radio silent for years now baring Prime 4's development situation.

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