PS4 fags only

How did you feel about this months “free” games?

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The last """""""free""""""" game I gave a lot of time to was Wipeout Omega collection, which was cool. There have been some decent things IIRC but mostly just things I missed from gen 7 which lots of people have already played.

Quite literally the worst month ever.

I was told I would be getting Souls remastered and dying light....

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Quite shit desu

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Agreed. Decided to download cities for the hell of it. See if I could make a better techno punk city than cdpr.

It's kinda gay.


Who the fuck said that?

you got your stapler, so shut the fuck up already

They're shit just like they have been every month since PS3 & Vita games were removed.

But like said, you're going to pay for it anyway.

Wonder with the PS5, we'll just get 1 PS4 and 1 PS5 game a month.

It was expected I guess.

Already had Cities on PC and dont care abt Farming. I get that they wanted LONGER lasting games because quarantine and all, but I can already play these on PS NOW.

Still DL'ed Cities again for the trophies and enjoyed myself, but then I remembered how bullshit the games mechanics are ("muh cars can't reach buildings" and "muh educated workers").

>paying to play online AND getting dog shit games as a reward for your payment
consolefags everyone. at least that game pass on the xbox has some decent titles


The reward for your payment is a filter for chinese cheaters

reddit, of course

imagine paying to play on a bunch of empty servers lmao

I enjoyed Dirt Rally 2.0 quite a lot

cope more consolefag enjoy your shitty games and paying for online services.

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Go back.

I only play two games online and there are always people around.

I cancelled my subscripton

Yes cope more and ignore facts my son



what facts?

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I am a dirty BR soo one month of a good game i already worthy a year.
for example with uncharted 4 for ´´free`` in the last month and with the uncharted collection as a coronga gift,already got the whole series without wasting too much

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Far fewer cheaters on console.

ps+ will never be worth jack shit until they fuse it with ps now, THEN maybe it will worth something, at the moment is just you gifting money to them for doing absolutely nothing

No game older than a year has anyone playing. And there weren't many good online games last year.

Bullshit. There are always people on EDF 4.1 and EDF 5.

>rationalizing being shat in your mouth so much to justify them shitting in your mouth

sad, really

can't relate, but i guess you can ask epicucks

I'm a freak who plays a lot of games so I get my money's worth with PS+ by putting a lot of hours into its offerings... but I tell my friends that PS+ isn't worth it for them since they only play one two online games a year and rarely touch the "free" stuff. As long as casuals like them throw their money away, it will never get better.

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Don't be greedy :^)

i can still enjoy a game even if there are cheaters. obviously cheaters are annoying niggers but that doesnt mean i cant enjoy a game. also i mainly play single player games on PC most multiplayer games are FPS shooters and those are shit.

Then why would you want PS+ if you don't play online?

The fuck are you talkign about?games are expensive here any advantage is good.

EDF 4.1 is one of the games I tried, barren as fuck.

You wouldnt even be able to join a party and talk to your friends on PS without PS+ they paywalled communication. unless you have no friends you need PS+.

Why yes, this month's offering from PS+ was quite based.

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I don't even "get" them on either console because it's a waste of space. Remember that they're "free" games. It's not going to be a good value 99.99% of the time. It's a bonus not a reason to sign up, not like you have a choice. Game Pass on the other hand is pretty neat if you like to just mess around with random things.

Indie games are unironically the most cancerous shit to come out of video games.
Atleast they dont constantly shove their existence down your throat like fucking indies.

Who the fuck uses PSN to talk to friends? Nobody uses it for anything except multiplayer parties.

Bullshit. I just took this screenshot.

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I swear to god I remember seeing that a couple days ago and being mad I had recently bought both on steam

>paying for ps+
once they made it mandatory for online play the "free" games went to shit

Burnt through more games off of 3 months of gamepass than years spending PS"""+"""" for """"""""""free""""""""""" games.

I always wanted to try farming simulator just to say that I did however this month games were kinda ass.

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To the surprise of nobody. You faggots never got off Sony's dick in 2013 and now look what happened.

I didn't bother resubbing because the game was so empty when I last checked. Maybe it's better now, whatever.

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I'm fucking seething, just release bloodborne on PC already so I can get rid of my paperweight with seagate SSD attachment

Nobody ever seems to remember PS+ has online backup as well. While it's not worth $60 a year, it did save my ass when my PS4's HDD decided to die. Plus, who even pays full price anyway? There is no reason to not wait for a sale and get it for around $40. That's what I do.

>paying a sub for account locked storage
cringe, just use a USB stick

Yeah, sure let me do that every time I turn my console off. I'm certain all you PC guys do.