Why do almost all Western games have some sort of allegory for modern day politics...

Why do almost all Western games have some sort of allegory for modern day politics? I'm not talking about sides or whatever, mind you, just that in 99% of cases, the handling of it is often poor. Why are Western game devs so focused on that rather than just making the game about having fun rather than preaching?

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why do you only play triple-A trash?

Indie shit does it too.

There's bing bing wahoo and Jew Quest for people like you.

way to out yourself as a triple-A consoomer

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You know, I didn't hear anyone bitch about the politics of the batman arkham games, or the sonic adventure games,

are there politics in the metroid prime games?
what about smash bros? guilty gear?
any politics in mario kart?
what about spyro the dragon?
does ori and the blind forest have politics?
The backbone of the plot of FFXIV is the interactions of an uneasy alliance between three nation-states against an advanced invading force that's already subjugated at least two other nations, but I've never heard anyone complain FFXIV is political.

Isn't that weird?

Yup, you're right. No indie game has ever dealt with real life politics.
Hamfisting 8th grade social studies is not a great way to make people think about something.

Ok, resetera, why do you want games to tackle politics, then?

why be original when you can sell to California?

are you just pretending to be retarded?

What? I'm not saying I want games to tackle politics, I'm just noticing that for all the bitching people do that 'all games are political', I notice that most of my favorite ones don't seem to be

Only because you give attention exclusive to the ones who do that and ignore the ones who don't.

Indie games are far worse about politics because they don't care about "playing it safe", but at the same time, they're all trying to make liberal art pieces.

Games always have been political, you just didn't see it because you were a kid and they suited your biased view of the world your parents taught you.

For every gone homo you have 20 actually popular indie games that have nothing to do with politics. You're an embarrassing normie who only plays and knows of the most heavily marketed games.

Are you?
Most Western games do, though,. You're just being obtuse for the sake of contrarianism.
Name some that don't that are made by Western studios and aren't made for children.
Indie games are trash anyway.

>>Indie games are trash anyway.
That's right, move the goal posts, that doesn't show how wrong you were at all.

Strategy games have been some of the best political games because it makes me understand why politicians would be willing to wage wars what what the people would call a pointless cause. Sending millions to die in a Great War in Victoria 2 is relatively easily to do, all things considered, and the game doesnt really comment about it--it's left for you to take scope of when your people break your nation apart in communist revolts
Meanwhile, Crusader Kings taught me that Henry VIII did nothing wrong

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Them being trash doesn't mean that most of them don't also deal with politics. Hell, that's the exact reason why some of them are trash.

could you be a bigger triple-A cock-gobbler?

commentary on real-life themes have been in games for a long ass time. We're just better trained to sniff it out and cry "SJW" or "based" depending on what our preferred media would think of it and then choose to completely ignore the actual substance behind it.

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see perfect example, what do you think of
>most western games
I think it's more of a mixed bag
batman, spiderman, crash, spyro, those are western games that aren't, bastion, transistor, cities skylines, cuphead, enter the gungeon, there's loads that aren't

the only ones that are are the ones that kotaku and polygon peddle day in and day out. You don't do all your gaming on what kotaku and polygon market, do you?

My favorite game is extremely political, but there's no mention of gender fluidity or trannies, so it's cool with me. Politics in games are fine, as long as they aren't pushing a degenerate outside agenda.

Name me indie games that even remotely deal with politics while not being literal whos no one ever heard of. I'll wait.

Papers Please. Celeste. Gone Home.
I hate AA Western games, dumbass. Why the fuck would I be talking shit about them if I hated them?

I hope you reexamine your prejudices someday, user. I get what you're saying, but at some point like it or not you're gonna have to get with the times

They want to feel smart and important

>batman, spiderman, crash, spyro, those are western games that aren't, bastion, transistor, cities skylines, cuphead, enter the gungeon, there's loads that aren't
Ok, so why do those not get the attention the others get, then?

>dealing with politics
what, for that one flag they included in one image in the game?

because left wing political messages are brainlet tier trash, simple as that

Why not? If it included a Nazi flag, you'd be saying it was political.

because like I said you apparently only get your gaming news from kotaku, polygon, and or reddit
I'm not sure what other sites inflate the amount of news games get based on their """controversial politics"""

Probably the worst example you could pick. When MGSII came out the concept of political commentary in videogames was so alien to the vast majority of the consumerbase that it was almost universably panned if not just dismissed as whacky evangelion tier pseudo-intellectual pretention.

It's only what, almost two decades later that people give this ending the credit that it deserves.