You know what. I'm still buying it, I know they fucked it up. But the last game had great fucking gameplay...

You know what. I'm still buying it, I know they fucked it up. But the last game had great fucking gameplay. And great animations, I'm still kinda exited even.

Attached: Ues.jpg (299x168, 4.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


me too user. It's honestly sad watching the smear campaign unfold. It only hurts the industry and sends a message that gamers are insufferable faggots and devs need to step on egg shells when addressing them.


ok karen

How to spot a shill thread 101
>OP posts their meaningless opinion
>someone replies and posts their meaningless opinion
>several posts in, a real human being points out that things aren't what they seem but instead are what they are

ok Zig Forums

>great fucking gameplay
lmao nice meme you faggot

The only "smear" this game has is itself.

xfags and nincels mad cause sony gonna win another gen

It's your money.
Gameplay, graphics, etc. are ok.
But the story for this is pants on head retarded.

can somebody post the GTA5 golf webm?

better yet, if there's a colelction of all the funny stuff done that would be even better.

Thanks in advance.

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>You know what, I'm staying with him. I know he fucked up but we used to have such good times together.

>naughty dog
>great gameplay
pick one (1).

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same boat here

Im gonna buy it too , for 15 bucks off ebay after people start selling their copies 2 weeks after release.
Paying full price at release for a game that has been spoiled this much is just wanting to burn 60$ on a bonfire.

transexuals are just like that

>Good gameplay
It was pretty mediocre.

Its bad fan fiction.

It's good you can look past flaws that are upsetting to most and look towards the aspects you like. I'm not going to pick it up myself because the story is far too upsetting and for half the game it's not what it is advertised as... but hey, it's good to see Zig Forums being Zig Forums rather than Zig Forums.

It’s true gays due tend to throw tantrums when they don’t get their way 100% Naughty Dog, gaymers don’t have to be your audience.

>great animations
Is there anything in the game aside from zombies that isn't motion capture?
I know there's a whole process of cleaning up the capture data and there's some quality tweaks you have to make so it doesn't just look like pure capture data, but shouldn't the praise go to the actors instead?

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>great fucking gameplay
How so? It's basic stealth gameplay with zombies thrown in.

Yeah, it's getting annoying everyone whining about her being trans. She isin't even. Do I like it that she kills him? No.


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>smear campaign
>some anons being extremely butthurt about Druckman's bullshit story on a basket weaving forum
Get over yourself.

user, you fell for 0/10 bait.

They base 'her' off a body building woman, and they've admitted to making their women more androgynous to specifically appeal to the trans committee. It's actually a form of cowardice on their part to try and toe the line on telling their fans Abby is a woman while specifically designing her so trannies identify with it.
If there was just some trans character in the game that'd be one thing, but the primal disgust comes from watching what is essentially a man beating two teenage girls to death and caving in the skull of Joel. And you're supposed to play as her for half the game, apparently.
It's the terrible intertwine of story betrayal and gender politics that makes people angry.

>great fucking gameplay

Maybe make a game instead of tranny cycle of violence bullshit

There are far better stealth games with zombies than tLoU1 or 2. Don't degrade yourself.

Yeah I don't disagree. Just most Zig Forums tards just scream
Thank you for providing a proper argument

Its funny how bait threads like this point out that the OP never played a mediocre cover shooter with braindead stealth yellow paint climbing for smoothbrains signs.

Imagine still shilling for tLoU2, imagine being that retarded. Enjoy your movie for 60 bucks faggot.

With all the great studios making great quality games there are still fags like op who will finance the niggers ruining games. It’s like these retards don’t get that other companies will take the place of the shitty ones and you can have good games again.

>You know what. I'm still buying it, game had great fucking gameplay. And great animations, I'm still kinda exited even.

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I know this is a little off topic, but could one of you anons link to that Abby Armstrong vid?

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Not the same guy, but come on man, we both know that TLOU lives or dies on its story, and this story seems really crappy. Wait a few weeks after release, I guarantee you it'll be on sale for 30 bucks, or lower if you get a resold copy.