BTFO Cyberpunk 2077 and has anime girls

>BTFO Cyberpunk 2077 and has anime girls
Is there anything Japan can't do better than the West?

Attached: Scarlet Nexus.png (1440x900, 1.46M)

ill give you 2 mins of the length of the trailer to shill it for me while i watch it

Time's up, you failed, see ya fag

>shounen shit
>psychic powers
>plant people
This is about as "Cyberpunk" as The Last Of Us. Not cyberpunk. At all.

>but.. but.. muh kana, muh buildings
nigger, that's just Tokyo.

Yeah trannies now that's what I call cyberpunk

>Scarlet Nexus

Eh, if the actual gameplay is fun (and they actually have freeform psychic powers like psiops or something) then I'll get it but it looks cringe as fuck. I like anime but this looks about on the level as that shitty anime dark souls clone or Ex Machina. The sort of thing that seems randomly generated and completely fuckign soulless.

Stop it.

>fps drops in a game that looks like a ps3 game
Why can't japs make a decent fucking game?

>Vesperia team

Yeah, transhumanism is cyberpunk.

Level cities

>no rain or night time


Attached: 6f7.jpg (600x750, 33.05K)

>reveal trailer
>some scenes run at 20 fps
how does japan do it bros?

More degeneracy

>anime girls
You say that like it's a good thing.

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No, transhumanism is the belief that humanity's problems can be fixed by no longer being human

cyberpunk stuff would instead point out that no longer being human will cause new problems.

Psychic powers are all over cyberpunk fiction

I'm Yuito Sumer...dropped

You can customize your dick size in this game.

I wanted it to be a Digimon game

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Girth, circumcision, length, veins?

It's too bright. Where are the massive skyscrapers? This just looks like Tokyo on a nice day. It's not Blade Runner.


Looks like Half-Life 2 in Tokyo x Code Vein.

Literally Astral Chain from Bamco

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Is it releasing in September? If not, you're just retarded

Anime and vidya don't mix (except for catherine, but that's a very unordinary type of game). As soon as I saw the disgusting 3d anime models in the trailer for this I lost all interest and skipped it.

>Chromatic Aberration

Of it doesn’t have perpetual nighttime, I’m not interested.

how new are you?

>Is there anything Japan can't do better than the West?
Win wars.

I don't think it's that in-depth. But you can combine sexual features, i.e., you can make trannies or futas or traps.

But is being circumcised optional?

Of course not, filthy goyim. ;=^)