The recent leaker was right

Abby gets fucked by Ellie in the end.

Attached: RAmtzNy.jpg (1000x2766, 682.11K)

Attached: 1588882956671.png (1068x960, 809.02K)

What? Source? Link? Something?

ellie is just riding his dick while choking him. wait... yeah, abby is fucked.

The top image comes from the last official trailer.
We can guess that the scar on the wrist can't be just a coincidence.
And the recent leaker posting the whole plot details said that Ellie would get her revenge in the end.
So I assume he may have been right.

>we can guess

btw can you play golf in last of us?


Attached: 1588701284694.png (388x644, 167.41K)

Ah fuck, I really like Abby because she punches the shit out of Ellie.

Let me see:
>The arm matches (left arm cut)
>The shape of the hand
I mean, sure, who could it be other than Abby? A random soldier? With a cinematic shot that looks super intense?
It's her. There's like 80% chance of being her, and Ellie getting her revenge.
(Then the leaker said that the cycle of revenge would be that the Jewish gf do dies not from Abby but another character.)

wait it's a girl? wtf

who thought this would be enjoyable? oh right

Same, unlike Nadine I actually liked Abby

I fucking wish this is true. Im gonna enjoy every second killing these fags while the game preaches to me how im supossed to feel bad about it


Am I the only one who likes Abby more than Ellie?

abby is really not a guy? i never cared about tlou but that's just lmao

There certainly are alot of faggots like you

You just fell for a meme, that's ok

Every person that likes Abby over Ellie is literally a tranny,Abby is a tranny filter

No, I love him.

No she doesn't...


You are fucking braindead

>Ellie tries to kill Abby by ....
>Abby grabs Ellie arm and pulls her down
>Kill Ellie with hammer
>Abby stand up with smug face
>looks into future
LoU3 Tranny Tyranny

You mean the reddit shitpost written by a retard who can't process information? It's like he saw the leaked footage but understood everything wrong

shit happens, i guess. so it is a guy, right? i am completely retarded shit

I hope the part about Marlene being alive is not true. I also hope they won't kill Ellie's girlfriend at the end.

Maybe he was fake, who cares. This is real though.
Ellie all bloody on top of Abby. This can't be just post-op surgery celebration, it looks like a revenge to me.

you have to play the game on youtube to find out

And there's also footage of Ellie killing Abby...but that's because you failed a QTE. Stop being a fucking moron, JFC

Someone post THAT video

It doesn't even matter, I enjoy giving retards wrong spoilers.

I'm just giving you fucks a lil bit of hope and this is how I'm being treated.

Any girl the isn't Sarah or Tess is SHIT