How come bungie doesn't understand the absolute basics of how guns work?

how come bungie doesn't understand the absolute basics of how guns work?

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Because sjws don't like guns

do you understand that calling out fiction for being fake makes you stupid not smart, right?

fiction can be fake all it wants but it has to at least not break its own rules.
are you retarded?

They don't understand the basics of how games work, you really think they understand guns?

what a smooth brain way of thinking. Fiction can be fake all it wants period. After all, we're talking about a game where crab people use paracasual magiks to fight a war against humanoid magic zombies over ownership of a great and powerful ball that makes everything great when it actually works.

the teal cylinder is a drum mag, and the one in the stock is a spare... maybe?

A better question is why bother referencing real guns for your future sci fi space game when it's the perfect setting to handwave your lack of understanding when it comes to real guns.

>The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.

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it's not real dummy.

yeah obviously, that thing is a mess

if this bothers you you are a npc

niggerbrain. it's an ak47 with a magazine in the stock. there is no feed mechanism in the stock. there is no action in the stock. it is not a bullpup.

fuck yourself

if this doesn't bother you, you are an emotionless npc

Because Bungie doesn't understand the absolute basics of how their own game works

Why are you bringing up a gun that hasn't been seen in Destiny in almost 3 years?

What would this dude say if he could see what Ubisoft did to his Rainbow Six?

I actually think they only copied the front half from an ak, the receiver doesn't really look like an ak at all and the stock is clearly an afterthought.

its a video game. It isnt real. Its a toy gun in a virtual toy world. It shoot light energy. It uses 'white' ammo. The same 'bullets' that come out of this gun and the same bullets in a revolver, and an smg.

>i posted it again and again because im an sjw that hates video games

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who fucking cares? It's a video game.
Just suspend your disbelief and have fun, stop trying so hard to ruin everything for yourself

rip Tom Clancy
fuck ubisoft

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He'd probably blow his brains out faster than it took the CIA heart attack gun to kill him.

Didn't Bungie brag that that they had nasa scientists and hard science fiction writers working for them to make sure that the physics made sense and that the setting was believable or was that someone else

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>copying a response verbatim
>got em
>not the NPC not the NPC YOUR THE NPC

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look it up retard

What the fuck is that bullshit

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Destiny gun design is shit but still

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either have the entire game be wacky abstract nonsense land with aboslutely no rules or have at least some vague sense of stability
the gun isn't posed as actually magic itself. its a gun. the guns in the game don't have magical mechanics inside them that allow for bullet teleportation. its a fucking normal gun. if it was am agical teleporation device then thats fine, but if its a normal gun then it has no reason
yes, fiction can be fake. fiction can be nonsensical. but fiction can also have in-universe rules, and setting such rules up then stepping over those constantly is retarded. if they establish rules and then break them then why have the rules. this isn't a difficult fucking concept.
like if a race of beings is established to need food and water to live, suddenly having them not is stupid no matter how fantastical and impossible the setting is mister pete hines. if a fucking gun works like a normal gun then having a gun that is a normal gun not work like a normal fucking gun is FUCKING RETARDED

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a gun that shoots lightning that chains between enemies

>future space gun functions exactly the same as a 75 year old gun

please try to stay on topic without sperging out. we're talking about fake guns in a sci-fi universe where people resurrect from the dead and throw fireballs/lightning bolts to fight pirate bug people

>Zig Forums - Experts of Sci-Fi weaponry

They shouldn't have used real guns then. It's like taking a honda civic, moving all 4 wheels to the back and calling is a future car so it doesn't need to make sense honey stop asking questions. It's just lazy design.

How come you still give a shit ?

Tom Clancy was whoring his name out long before he died. 90% of books with Tom Clancy on the spine aren't even written by him.

>They shouldn't have used real guns then
they didn't. That gun doesn't exist in real life

>but still
are you blind? look again
>Zig Forumseddit: damage control fanboys

Did they? provide a source. I play video games so I don't really care what someone on social media said 8 years ago.

lmao source?

Literally an AK except the receiver moved into the stock

This one has to be a joke. No way anyone is that stuid.

its clearly a bolted on stock, how is the bullet going from a seperate part of the gun into the main chamber. i don't understand guns that much but its clearly a separate piece of the gun

>but fiction can also have in-universe rules, and setting such rules up then stepping over those constantly is retarded
The rule in Destiny is paracasual magik. If you believe your gun works then it will. I bet you dont even into sword logic.

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its supposed to look cool
you autist can go fuck yourself

Destiny weapons use glimmer as ammunition, not proper bullets, which make every kind of bullshit design they think of plausible in their universe.

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>its clearly a bolted on stock
no it isn't, you have no clear shot of your perceived separation between the stock and the rest of the gun so I fail to see how you can be so sure


I'm not talking about how Korobov bullpup is the same as this Destiny garbage, I'm talking about how magazine being that far back and still able to feed is possible. If that is what upsets you about it ofc, regardless you're retarded

>how is the bullet going
magical scifi mini cortana takes the bullet with her hologram fingers and moves it into the proper place

so its ork rules?
if i get a stick that looks like a gun will it actually fire?

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>how magazine being that far back and still able to feed is possible.
I didn't say it wasn't possible in a fucking bullpup
do you not see the OP is not a bullpup and do you not see the fucking drum in the front?

It's kinda fascinating when you realize that somehow we raised an entire generation of people that apparently are so divorced from not just reality, but also basic principles of storytelling, that they can't comprehend notions such as "believability" or "suspension of disbelief".

You really have to wonder in what kind of an environment people like these have been raised. How insanely starved their mental development must have been.

Fuck this, reality surpasses fiction.

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If you believe hard enough

Nobody in this thread plays Destiny. Not even me. We\re here to argue about stupid inane shit for the sake of arguing about stupid inane shit. What, did you expect serious discussion_

You see ivan... when load twice the boolet like me... you have twice the damage


it's kinda fascinating when you realize that somehow people exist who think videogames are anything more than a form of entertainment

Yeah it does, and even if I accepted that copy pasting a real gun into the future and handwaving it's mechanics was acceptable because muh fiction It would still be bad design, because they have no justification for keeping the mechanics they did other than laziness. Why does it have a gas piston? Why does it need a charging handle? Why does it need a genuine steel ak box magazine? Why does it need iron sights lmao? The only reason they would keep any of this is to appeal to gun nerds, but their understanding of guns is so shallow they thought just having the parts on the screen would be enough.

Yes. But you have a hard time believing anything don't you?

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but doesn't gambit have actual, normal guns as rewards?

You realize this post makes you stupid, not smart, right?

First of all: they obviously and objectively are. Second of all, that post does not even fucking relate to what I said.
Again: what was your upbrining like? Were you raised in a white padded cell?

Are you on the spectrum?

>spikes for cheek guard
based retarded bungie

>Yeah it does
but it literally doesn't.

Would smash left in the pic.

So why do you need a gas system and a bolt for your glimmergun?

a gun with bird bones and leather straps on it doesn't seem that odd, unless i'm guns missing something

the majority of video game playing retards somehow missed the GAME part. Video games are a form of make-believe

better than generic railshit at least

But there's a steel ak mag in the stock of op
That drum looks like some paintball shit honestly.

Imagine a racing game where the cars had seven wheels and people try to make the argument it's more efficient and they go faster because of it.

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Pretty much. This is the direct lore for the gun.

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but that IS generic


Its not quite Orc shit, but its close. The Light and Dark are both basically God like forces that control all of existence, existing outside of the universe, outside of time. The physical world is a game of life being played between them to see which pattern wins out over the other. The Light represents diversification, civilization building. The Dark represents survival of the fittest, only the strong surviving, destroying weak civilizations, etc.
As such both of them can alter reality as they see fit. To limit their interference and make the game at least somewhat compelling they both created a physical avatar within their game simulation to act out their wills, so they don't directly have full God tier power. The Light has the Traveler. The Dark has the black pyramids. Each of these agents can bend reality to a very high yet finite degree. They can literally bring the dead back to life in an instant, they can teleport, they make elemental nonsense appear out of nothing.

>Destiny weapons use glimmer as ammunition, not proper bullets

Technically the glimmer is converted into ammunition. Glimmer is just programmable matter, it's whatever you need it to be.

the only people here that are on the spectrum are the ones getting mad over a videogame that they haven't even played
My point is that videogames are just supposed to be fun. If a gun looking silly ruins your fun for you then you might be the one who is divorced from reality.
The reality is that the gun doesn't exist in real life and thus it really doesn't fucking matter what it looks like as long as it functions correctly ingame (shooting bullets to kill enemies)

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I really hate shitty gun designs.
I really wanted to like MGS 5 but frankenguns made me puke after MGS 4 selection of firearms.

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But they're not the ones making the guns though.

Why bother making a gun behave like a gun if you don't make it look like it works like a gun
>I bet you dont even into sword logic.
The sword logic isn't an argument when tower-jumping retards who have a hard time being herded through Leviathan raids have managed to destroy several existential threats the Hive have thrown at humanity

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>Imagine a racing game where the cars had seven wheels and go faster because of it
sounds like a fun game, let's fund it

Why does handwaving the internal mechanics of a gun justify giving it absurd and impossible ergonomics? Could it be that the designers have never held a firearm in their lives, and only gave a cursory glance to pictures of firearms sitting in stands or on tables instead of in use?

>MGS 4 selection of firearms.
fuck kojima

The Guardian's guns are designed with the Light, they're capable of things that make no logical sense because they're imbued with it.

I played around 100 hours in both games, nice try autismo.

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destiny: soul
destiny 2: soulless

It's not for everyone tho

And did the gun ruin your fun for you or are you just complaining to complain? If it's the latter then this might be worse than I thought

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>magine a racing game where the cars had seven wheels and people try to make the argument it's more efficient and they go faster because of it.
That actually sounds like a good game. They should bring back SRL that shit was fucking awesome.

THIS is a gun

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>bullet teleports through your thumb
nothing (anti)personnel, kid

>"If you believe your weapon wants to murder all existence, then so it will.

-Toland the Shattered

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It reloads rear mag, so yes it feeds from rear mag and its a bullpup. Front thing which you think is helical drum mag a-la Calico is just autistic front grip. This is how it in the game. Telling ya you're retarded

They're from the age before the city, based on designs from the Golden age but they still use glimmer as ammunition.
Could be needed for converting the glimmer in ammunition, like said. He's right about glimmer being programmable matter but it's never explained how exactly said matter is programed.

As says, Guns in destiny literally run off magic, the series is literally just fantasy in a far-future setting, complete with shit like magic runes and tomes and ancient prophecies.

Making fun of it (or Borderlands, which has shit like shotguns that have spread in smiley face patterns or revolves that fire in zig zag patterns and makes screaming sounds every time you fire it, it's an intentional fucking parody) for unrealistic guns is retarded'

This isn't an instance of a series or title with a rulset arbitrarily breaking it for no reason or destroying it's own suspension of disbelief like if it was a Battlefield or CoD or even a Halo game with a nonfunctional gun; in destiny the guns being magical and as unrealistic as giant fantasy swords are is part of the core conceit of the series.

>is just autistic front grip.
holy cope batman!

no way that's real

What the fuck is that depth of field goddam its making my eyes bleed holy shit

You can techically swap all weapon models for rocks and it wouldn't change the gameplay but i still would rather have the weapons make sense in-universe, is this so hard for you to understand you enourmous retard?

Not the worst I've seen. I've seen bullpups where there's empty space between the chamber and muzzle. Or the path of the bullet would go through your hand.

>My point is that videogames are just supposed to be fun
First of all: wrong. Games can be countless things, from simple fun past a meaningful tool of narration past a training device to a major source of income.
Do you not even know these concepts? And if you don't - and rather obviously you don't - again:
These are BASIC principles of storytelling. Something that children learn in elementary school. This is not something ANY human being that is not medically SEVERELY mentally damaged can fucking not know.
Are you medically diagnosed with severe mental handicap or not?
If you aren't: Were you severely develomentary deprived during your childhood and adolescence?
Were your parents crackhead trailer trash? Did you never read a book in your life? How much of your growing up did you spend licking paint, and how much huffing toluene?

Are bungo guns better or worse than borderlands?

Where are you going? No, wait, listen.

I was right, at first. In the ever-expanding Blighted-place, even Light must obey the sword-logic. Even you Guardians, you best and brightest of the dying dawn, you drew blood in honor of the Taken King. The Warpriest did his duty, and you did yours. Oryx was challenged, yes, but challenged in the way of the Hive, which is to say that challenge is worship — is challenge — is power. Sword-logic. You played your part well.

You were not supposed to touch the Light.

How did you find your way into the King's Cellars? How did you even recognize that benighted draught for what it was? Do you not know that the Hive pursue Light precisely for the purpose of devouring it with slavering jaws and slick greedy gulping throats? How did you take (or rather, un-Take) the Blighted Light that Oryx gathered to offer in sacrifice to Akka, and ignite it so that it burned and burned the Darkness?

It was barely Light anymore. But you took it. And when you took it, you did not keep it. You set it free.

You fools! You disastrous, bumbling squanderers! It's not right! Who now shall be First Navigator, Lord of Shapes, harrowed god, Taken King? Not you! You might have been Kings and Queens of the Deep! But you have toppled Oryx and you have not replaced him!

There must be a strongest one. It is the architecture of these spaces.

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worse lol

Why even have a magazine if your magic bullets don't need to feed into the barrel directly
Why don't you fill it up like a super soaker