Trials of Mana

Girl #1 has the best scenes!

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my order coming saturday, hopefully along with the artbook. also imagine a Mana spinoff that was like Diddy Kong Racing.

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Is this worth $50 or should I wait for a sale?

It was $40 on Greenman Gaming a few days ago, i think the best price was $42 right now

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I love OG SD3 so bought it immediately. YMMV. This isn't an AAA+ game but it is a fully-featured comfy ass game. Just wish it was more challenging.

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It's a nice 20-25 hour action RPG that's intended to be replayed to see the different endings based on your main character choice. So up to you.

It's just like the original except in 3D, with non broken mechanics, and post game content, so the game is rather short. The story is meh and has a lot of dumb shit, the combat is nothing to write home about but fun enough for me, and it's rather cheap graphic and animation wise.

Watch some videos and check if you think it's fine for the current price in your opinion.

does somebody have the description of Chawotte's Necromancer and Warlock role?

Play the demo. If you like it and want more, then the answer is yes.

>Finish a battle in Mirage Palace
>Chawotte suddenly yells "HEATH, I'M COMING!"

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link for nude mod(s)?

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Why do censor bars over girls' faces turn me on

moar cat, please!

Hawkeye is the biggest slut in the game.

Whats the secret to defeating this fucking door?

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Pressing attack when you stand in front of it.

Get the translated ROM of the original. Better than the remake and you save $50.

Since when does Riesz have bigger tits than Angela?

He can't hit you with anything but the pushback move if you're point blank in his face
Use Poseidon Claws.

That's my exact party, classes included, what a coincidence.

I regret getting this on the switch. 12-15 fps and it keeps crashing

>Belladonna is locked behind the shitty protagonists

I haven't had any crashes and I haven't noticed any performance problem. Do you have similar problems in other games?

It was $42.50 before release (15% off). It's $39.99 right now (20% off)

Bros which of these 2 teams should I go and why, help will be appreciated

Hawk, Angela and Riesz
Hawk, Kevin and Angela

Since when is she taller?

Fuck you Hawkeye is based

Isabella party member when?
skill: free milkies = 500hp heal.

I thought it was just me. I have the "newer" Switch with the "improved" battery and the game stutters every now and then and becomes a slideshow.

Are you using a launch Switch?

Hawk, Angela and Riesz. You get the entirety of Hawkeye's story and a full powered magic oriented team between Dark Hawk, Light Angela and Light Riesz. If you need healing just use items or oils.

Hawk, RIESZ, and Angela.
Don't make the mistake of putting the second character that shares the a boss in the third slot.

Hard to tell with sprites, but it always seemed that Angela had the bigger titties.

no, nothing this serious. Granted I've only played in docked mode.
yes launch switch

>Dark Hawkeye before third class
>get access to Ninja Master
>staggering enemies all over the screen for my other characters to wipe up and I don't even have to try to look at their general direction.

Guess I got my team, thanks guys

I can finally start the game after being torn for a few hours

Just the one you like the most, the game isn't really hard even in hard mode if you know what you're doing. I went with your first party having Hawkeye debugging enemies and Riesz buffing my party and it made bosses really easy.

He's very gimmicky and I don't like his playstyle

Dream DLC
>Bad guys team mode
>Very hard mode
>NG+ options
>Archaic options (like DQ11 did)

Go with Hawk and Riesz as the second slot so you get them as story pair. As for the party, you can go D/L Hawk for magic and debuffs, Riesz L/D for buffs and auras, and then Angela whatever you want. You'll just have to rely on items for healing, since Riezs has to go into spirit for buffs she can also be the oil bitch.

They probably have similar chest sizes but due to height and body shape differences, one looks smaller than the other.

Worth 50 but wait for a sale anyways since its dropping fast

>advocating for playing a bug ridden mess in 2020
the remake is faithful and good.
the original has so many bugs as to make the remake a CLEAR better version now.

Racing of Mana when

Nomad isn't half bad as a physical DPS between Pinpoint II, Critical Damage and Moon Energy and he's 2nd to Angela in terms of brainless casting as a Ninja Master.

>No amount of polish can change the fact that the remake is stubbornly stuck in the past. With Square-Enix’s other April release, Final Fantasy VII Remake, you could see the love and care that went into not just recreating but reevaluating and deepening a classic that will stand for all time as one of the greatest video games ever made by humanity. By contrast, this remake of Trials of Mana, which was re-released in its original Super Nintendo format as part of last year’s Collection of Mana, is all surface, without any depth.

is this reviewer accurate?

That's odd, I'm using a launch Switch too but I haven't noticed anything, hope yours isn't dying on you.

i never understood this
can japan not recognize people if they cover their eyes

What's the lore on Rabites?

Unrelated: should I do Hawk/Riesz or Riesz/Hawk

Riesz is retarded and barely even a character. I wish I did Hawk as MC instead.

If he actually played the original he'd realize that he's being retarded and the remake improved on the original in pretty much every aspect while staying faithful to the original story.

Riesz makes more sense as the MC since Hawkeye's story finishes up by the halfway point.

Low level run is proceeding well, the golems weren't too bad, let's see how the nerd ninjas treat me.

Also Riesz is one point off buffs that is shitty.

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it's not a japanese thing you fuck

Yes, I'm running around in the rubble after the Beastman attack and find nothing outside of items and pots. I talked to the dog when I arrived at the town and during the nighttime cutscene when the fairy is about, got nothing.

I played only portable, seems fine

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It's not dropping fast, GMG buys keys in bulk at the same rates as all the other marketplaces, but they sell for less proffit to poach customers from Steam and the like on release day. I doubt the game will drop bellow 20% off on the next major steam sale

Is it true that if the gem is green then she is no longer a virgin?

dechi dechi

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Should I get this on the Ol' Switcheroo for the portability? I assume it's better on Steam in almost every other way.