The best jRPG of the generation is a game that adheres to the classic design of the 80s and 90s

>the best jRPG of the generation is a game that adheres to the classic design of the 80s and 90s
What went so wrong with this genre that this is the peak?

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based. fuck persona shitters

Old good new bad but unironically


Traditional design and lighthearted world design + current gen presentation. It's not entirely classic.
A shame the music was so fucking shit. Voices were really bad overall too. A great game to play muted though.

>>>>>>>Implying Persona had any effort of ruining the genre
It's literally because of the overabundance of JRPGs being stagnant or barely changing along asking too much time to put into them. Literally it's a part of the reason why FF hasn't gotten a mainline turn based titles for years now.

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hi tranny

I will never understand how the same company can produce such an awesome full length classic JRPG with DQ11, and then fail completely when given the task of remaking FF7 with a larger budget producing only a fraction of the original games content and losing the timeless gameplay.

The fact is that JRPGs are inherently old-fashioned, what makes them good and what makes them bad is the lack of modern touch, and DQ11 knows that shit so fucking hard it goes balls deep into the formula, bringing the best JRPGs have to offer, without ever having to break grounds. Simply put, DQ11 is the most polished piece of JRPG not only because it's perfected the formula, but also because it is devoid of any modernism bullshit.

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>I will never understand how the same company can produce such an awesome full length classic JRPG with DQ11
Because the decision making in regards to Dragon Quest isn't on Square's side. All Dragon Quest games are made by Yuji Horii (creator, director and writer), Akira Toriyama (character and monster designer, art director), and Koichi Sugiyama (composer).

The franchise's ownership is split between Yuji Horii and the others. They make all the decisions, Square Enix only does the code monkey stuff. So they literally can't fuck it up.

God I love Toriyama's art so much, especially the weird little monsters and old people.

The genre's mostly dead so the pickings are kinda slim. That said it does actually attempt to advance the series in a more modern direction and I appreciate that given the series' refusal to change for so many years. If only they'd fire that hack Sugiyama.

>best jrpg of the generation
>characters, story, gameplay, and story are all mediocre as fuck

Never played it eh, ffcuck?

I don't know about the genre being dead, we're seeing kind of a renaissance at the moment.

not really.

Name one good jRPG since 2000.

>What went so wrong with this genre that this is the peak?
Held back by consoles and smoothbrain weebs. Nip devs just can't go too far outside of established tropes.

Xenoblade Chronicles - 2010
Xenoblade Chronicles X - 2015
Xenoblade Chronices 2 - 2017
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country - 2018

We've had a whole brand new series of good games.

fuck off xenotard

all complete trash full of the shit that killed jrpg
but nice try

Bravely Default
SMT Nocturne
Fire Emblem Awakening
Tales of the Abyss

These have been some of my favorites

Is XI that good? I liked 8 alright, but it was nowhere near as good as 5 (peak of the serie for me).

why did you find 5 to be the peak of the series?

I think XI is pretty good, It's split up into multiple acts. And I ended up getting really sucked into the game by the time you encounter the antagonist for the first time. Before that I was sorta playing it casually but once major conflict started to set in I really couldn't put it down

>Still turn based

Come on OP.

Step aside.

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I hadn't been thinking of it, but even Fire Emblem 7 was post 2000. That's another series that was basically new to the US when it started and now it has a pretty big following.
Disgaea also started up only in 2003, with La Pucelle Tactics coming out the year before in 2002.

I always wanted to try disgea cuz I like it's art style and character designs but I have no idea which one to start with.

none of those games are good though. only bravely default is okay, but it's still incredibly generic in a not good way. and literally makes you play through the game 5 times.

I feel blessed to enjoy turn based still even after the plethora of real-time action RPGs i've played.

I thought awakening was great personally. I'm pretty sure I played through it like 5 times honestly. And that part in BD never really bothered me to much as it only required you to fight the crystal guardians and not much other bosses if I recall correctly (I'm probably wrong though it's been a while since I played it)

Still waiting for DQ4-9 on Switch...

To be fair, I haven't played 7. But 5 is the only one I really was invested in. For such a simple story, it certainly did convey emotions very well.

same. is dq3 on switch good?

yeah the transition from act 1 into act 2 was mindblowing. wasn't expecting it at all. I stopped playing somewhat into act 3 because I was kind of pissed at how they reversed all of serenas character development. Even though baffling the antagonist and kicking his ass while he panicked was cathartic, it just felt so lame to erase all the bittersweet character stuff

I really enjoy 5, 7, and 11 the most I think. Meanwhile I miss 9 a ton simply for the gameplay despite it being super simple. The memories of multiplayer with my brother linger on and i'd love a remake of that game with online support...

Not a single person has been able to tell me why DQXI is good outside of comfy buzzwords. Everyone says yeah the music sucks. Yeah the combat is generic uninspiring turn based standard from the 80s. Yeah the difficulty is non-existent. Yeah the story is generic and bland offering nothing new. But comfy 10/10 RPG of the generation. I'm not even trying to shit on your game here but I just don't get it. Everyone who responds to this is going to agree with those points and say something like 'Yeaj but that's exactly why it's so good! None of the modern BULLSHIT. It's just solid classic RPG' But that doesn't make something good. Most of what makes an RPG classic is also shitty and there's a reason we moved away from it. I don't see why DQ gets excused for resting on its laurels for four decades when it's original formula wasn't even that good to begin with.

how about you try playing it retard? it's literally free on pc

The post game was a nice touch I think. Been a long time since I played an RPG with a post game that enjoyable for me.

>he doesn't enjoy both turn-based and real-time
Expand your horizons, user.

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I cannot fucking stand to listen to the characters talk

I have tried playing it dumbfuck. I've also played 7 and 8. How about you give me an answer instead of proving my point

not him, but i did and the game's pretty boring compared to the other DQs.

if you've played 7 and 8 why are you asking those stupid fucking questions? you know what you're getting into with 11 then, retard.

Long time DQ fan here.
It's not good, it's incredibly boring and unispired.

Devil Survivor Overclocked
Radiant Historia
The World Ends With You
SMT Nocturne
Dragon’s Dogma
Etrian Odyssey
Lost Odyssey
Shadow Hearts
Megaman Battle Network
Inazuma Eleven
Knights in the Nightmare
Wild Arms 3
Resonance of Fate
Mother 3
Dragon Quest 8
Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Vesperia
Trails in the Sky
Persona 3-5

because the developers are kikes who released the full version on only one, graphically inferior platform

>the best jRPG of the generation is a game that adheres to the classic design of the 80s and 90s
What went so wrong with this genre that this is the peak?

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I thought it was a great challenge with draconian enemies turned on and the combat is fine. There's good and bad turn based combat and DQXI is good. Party members have diverse movesets and their roles in combat shift as you move from early to mid to late to post game, keeping you constantly reevaluating the most optimal way to approach fights.
I personally feel that the story is not bland. It has its share of twists and turns and the character development for a few party members is some of the best I've seen in a jrpg.
That said, a big part of what makes the game so good is that effervescent charm that comes through from the amazing art direction, characters and presentation. I will concede that the music is a fucking tragedy, but at least they fixed it up a bit in the switch version.

Oh yeah, forgot to add Ys Origin as well.