...Is this a joke?

...Is this a joke?

This unironically looks like ps2 graphics

Attached: Bruh.png (1631x923, 1.54M)


Retro graphics are in right now

>madden trailer that shows 90% of its old games, surprisingly, has old games from past console generations
Madden 2020 could actually look like that and the millions of braindead meatheads who buy it every year will still eat that shit up. Same with Fifaggots.

t. owns 25 Final Fantasy games

What the fuck.

This can't be real, it looks like a x360 madden


Attached: Screenshot_20200507-133417_YouTube.jpg (1439x1604, 593.08K)

Why do people buy these games? The real sport exists.

What the fuck...? Ummmm Xbox, I asked for 4K?

But you get a new handcrafted world and story each new FF game, in madden you just get new character models.

This is some weak ass bait but Zig Forums is now so retarded people will fall for it.

Good job user.

a smoothbrained npc on Zig Forums

This has to be some game from 360 or Xbox days, there's no way this is a new release. Do they wanna commit financial suicide?

ikr I mean like WTF are these "Graphics" LMAO.

Attached: Shit graphics.png (1290x696, 409.86K)

The majority probably aren't in school anymore and live somewhere with shit weather like the midwest where it's impractical to do regular outdoor activity (this is also why everyone in the midwest is so fat)

>xboxtards rolling with the punches

look how racist those fat triangles are being by having white face.

My fucking For Honor camera shot of my character tricked everyone into thinking it was an armor set from the new AC.

Attached: 20200429_171530.jpg (4160x2340, 2.11M)

Xbros ...

Attached: 1573415907538.png (268x248, 47.42K)

Don't worry guys, there's a Switch version too!

Attached: maddenswitch.png (1049x691, 583.18K)

damn... so much soul...

>Zig Forums hates sports games
damn shame. 2k has an amazing deep character build system, a hall of fame difficulty that actually challenges you to be good at the game, and one of the best online competitive scenes to date.

Attached: 3555705-nba 2k20 legend edition.jpg (1056x1280, 340.25K)

Pretty based, as the swarms of phone posting ESL third world shitters flood in the collective IQ of this place drops dramatically.

All that is left to do is ridicule them for the retarded monkeys they are.

>that 43

Attached: 1582457456270.jpg (317x267, 21.84K)

>playing games with niggers in it

unironically kill yourself amerimutt nigger lover.

>Expecting dudebro customers to give a shit about the finer spec of gaming.
Every major sports game has been a copy/paste job each year.

You never played on a ps2 if you think that.

user, I'm disappointed. you were only able to fit 3 buzzwords in your shitpost. you need to step it up if you ever hope to become a Zig Forums legend.

low poly is soul

Attached: clapping.webm (1024x768, 1.58M)

>edgy kid from not-earth saves the world from god using the power of friendship
>they wear zippers and belts
very handcrafted, much fun

Xbox One Series 4:3 more like

>work for microsoft business department
>get really trashy people calling me by mistake because their trashy niglet child used their credit card and blew all their balance on fifa
>"uh you called the wrong place, let me put you through to xbox customer support"

Every fucking time. I feel sorry for the xbox customer support guys.

FFXII looks indeed a lot better.

That can't be real.

More like PS2.5 graphics. The guts on those coaches is a little too round without some more jagged polygons sticking out. The arms on those athletes are also too smooth.


Attached: ace2.jpg (187x219, 14.48K)

>B-b-but a $400 console is SURELY going to beat a $1000 PC THIS TIME.


why is pewdiepie so thicc?