Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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OP for being a fag

/threading yourself automatically magnetizes everything faggy from OP to you and ever OP of threads you will ever post in from this point onward
you played yourself

The retard not keeping backups of important shit. Good lesson.

Bad dad. Poor communication and sets random rules without explaining why he wants those rules to be enforced.
Like, why would you want your son waking up early like school is still going during their breaks?

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I thought the mother deleted it.

He was like 8 or 9 I think

>sleeping in bad when you're off of work

dad sounds like a real good goy

Nah dad did because he didn't want him sleeping late during the Pandemic just incase school starts up again during it or something

I think there's extra content there:

>Quarentine time
>Set some sort of sleep rule even though there's nothing much for the kid to do aside from waking up early
>He breaks it a few times, gets warned and wakes up on time, then after some weeks starts to wake up at 10 instead of 7-8
>Gets another warning, and sleeps late one more time, deletes son's world he spent 1 year making, a giant castle
>Also removes computer access after the fact instead of just doing that
>Kid is 9
>Kid also showed them the world and the castle cause he was so proud of it prior

I mean, if it was sleeping late and missing out on school or something sure, but it's quarantine time, he'd just be making the kid play more vydia.

The son.
I just wish the most painful and slow of eugenics on all zoomers.

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It was the mother who deleted it, what is this shit

taking away the pc is fine but deleting the save is a huge dick move

>getting mad at a 9 year old sleeping in
fucking retards should not be allowed to parent, this kid is going to develop trust issues

That other dude called you gay for /threading yourself.
You are gay user for doing that.

No just everyone assumed it was a woman because women bad

Punishment doesn't fit the crime. Retarded dad.

>>Kid also showed them the world and the castle cause he was so proud of it prior
This is the worst part. Imagine your child proudly showing you something they made and you decide to destroy it to teach them a lesson. This is fucking psychotic.

Well that's someone who will never trust their parents ever again

Context: Kid is 9? 11? Kid slept in late during lockdown. Kid did it repeatedly, through alarms, though always apparently by accident and not in a row. Dad warned that there would be consequences, but not what. Kid slept until 11 one day. Dad remembered that the kid showed him his Minecraft world he'd been working on for a year one day, very proud. Dad deleted kid's Minecraft world, and banned him from PC for a while.

let's play some minecraft Zig Forums
1.15.2 cracked

Agreed. Do you know how many brown bricks that son probably laid down?

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irreparable damage done to the kid's creativity and drive
this is a good way to produce dysfunctional, passionless adults later on

ding ding ding

Some parents are literally insane. My mom was like this.. She would be pretty chill and then just blow up about insane shit out of no where when I didn't even do anything.

One summer I was helping out the local meals on wheels and I told her one day how much I admire how hard a woman works there. She woke me up at 4:00 am screaming at me saying I better not be fucking this 45 year old woman.

Now watch as he self-sabotages anything he might be proud of again in the future.

the parent
it's natural and healthy for a kid around 9 to sleep in that late

based autistic dad
that's like smashing your kid's toys instead of simply taking them away till they learned their lesson

>mfw a generation of fucked up kids raised by a generation of Kids and teens who grew up on Reddit

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youd be lucky if my ass was out of bed before noon

also the kid starts starving himself
parent then goes onto reddit to ask if he's an asshole

were you?

>My kids is sleeping in late even though I told him not to when there's nothing to do!
>I know, I'll just delete the save file of this thing he was so proud of he even showed it to me, and then I'll take away computer access for a month so he dies of boredom
>Why won't my child talk to me? I'm a good parent

People like this never talk to their kids and then wonder why they never get any calls of visits when they leave.

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Not clicking this what happens

Kid should just burn random photos form their wedding.

Dad is an asshole holy shit
If the kid is sleeping more that usually means he needs more sleep. Kids are growing. If it was him staying up it would be more justified but still fucked.

>school closed for virus

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Parenthood is so fucking stupid. In 200 years we'll look back at shit like this like we look back on shit from 1800 now.

The Dad. There's ways to get your point across without destroying something your kid worked hard on. My younger brother had issues with not doing his homework when he got home from school. He would play Xbox instead, so after several warnings they just took his Xbox away and gave it back once he started doing his homework. They didn't take his Xbox and like delete all his save files or anything lol

Like if your son is sleeping in just go wake his ass up like lmao wtf? If you're up he should be up just go fucking in and turn the lights on. What the fuck reddit.

Worst part is the dad did not warn the son he would be deleting it. He just went
>there will be unforeseen consequences
And not to mention
>Kid also showed them the world and the castle cause he was so proud of it prior
Good job teaching them the lesson never to share things with you, dickhead.

I had no idea there were so many psychologists on /vi/ wow

The dad, taking away computer privileges is more than enough of a punishment, deleting the world is just spiteful, no matter the logic behind it.
Poor kid will probably never trust his folks again. I can only imagine how devastated he must be.

Well the parent clearly over reacted but it's still just a stupid game the kid will get over it and be building a new world on MC whenever he gets it back like nothing happened.

Monkey Jack's off

She invited me to her place and offhandedly told me she was going to go change so I think she was implying we should. But I bitched out

>I have 2 children, a 9 year old son and a 6 year old daughter. My son had a Minecraft world where he built quite an impressive castle on an island, which he was very proud to show to me.
>Since school was canceled, he has had issues with waking up on time. He is supposed to wake up at 7 each morning, but for the past month he has been sleeping in until about 9 or 10. I always set an alarm for him, but he sleeps right through it. I don't wake him up because waking himself up is a skill that he needs to learn. I told him about 2 weeks ago that there are going to be consequences for him if he continues to sleep in every morning. At first, he understood and was waking up on time every morning. But for the past week or so, he has fallen back into old habits. I told him yesterday that this is his final warning. Today, he slept in until 11.
>So I followed through with my warning, and went on the computer and deleted his favorite Minecraft world. I also took away computer privileges for the next month. When I told him, he started screaming and crying. He told me that he spent a whole year working on that world, and he's very distraught that he's never going to see it again. He has been crying and sobbing throughout the day, and has refused to eat any of his meals.

Why do some parents behave like this while others don't?

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You'd think taking away computer time during quarantine would be enough punishment but they had to go the extra mile and be dicks.

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You play video games all day. You analyze shit. You connect pieces. You have to think quick. Its a real fucking brain buster when you think about it.

How many times will I see this exact post

basic parenting is not rocket science even a forum of virgins can figure it out
thats why is so embarrassing

I take it you never lost a save file you were truly proud of

>Brazilians on Zig Forums

my dad was always mad at me for waking up "late" during weekends and off school days, I literally had nothing to do or live for but he still wanted me to wake up early, fuck, he didn't even want me close to him when watching tv or stuff like that saying things like "you have your own tv in your room, why did I even buy it if you are not going to use it?"

imagine building some sort of time consuming wooden sculpture as a child and your parents just decide to smash it because you weren't sleeping exactly how they wanted you to, this sorta stuff can fuck with a kids head, trust issues

glad he learned to keep backups early in life then.

The original post was made under a throwaway account with the name aitaminecraftworld, the post itself doesn't provide any clues toward the whether the poster is the mother or the father either. Anyone saying it's one or the other is showing their bias toward which parent they think is more likely to do something like this. Personally, I think it was the father. The stereotypical image of a mother I have in my head doesn't fuck with Minecraft or Reddit, but would absolutely revoke computer privileges. But that's my bias.

He spent a whole year working on it. That's akin to burning down some art project your kid did and then showed to you all proud and you just stomp it and then stop him from doing any more art for a month.

It's a monkey jerking off, looks kinda funny

well, some kill their pets instead of deleting minecraft worlds. Really it's a complicated matter.

He just cured the kids autism


The dad obviously.
Out of touch and/or autistic.

It was a power move

fuck boomers

if you ever needed more proof on why reddit bad

What a fucking scumbag dad
His son will remember this when throwing him on the cheapest retirement home

My dad is like that. I'm like a stranger to him now. Doesn't really know me at all. And I don't care.

I hate Minecraft but that is shitty parenting
That kid is going to remember that for the rest of his life when his dad is on a ventilator

>saved his son from minecraft autism
in a few years that kid will have a gf

>he still wakes up before noon
Literal shithead dad.

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Hey, dad. You're a faggot. At the very least you should've made a backup of the world and tuck it elsewhere until your fag son learns how to wake up in the morning

Cruelty begets cruelty.

Who the fuck wakes up at 7am when there's no work or school. What the fuck is the son supposed to do that early? Sit in front of the tv/computer?

BASED DAD dabbing on his zoomer son
why is Zig Forums shitting on the dad again?

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The kid was at fault for giving his father the impression that he could get away with it. My father would never do me such a thing because he knows what will happen next.

>b-b-but mah spooks

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>waking himself up is a skill that he needs to learn

>What the fuck is the son supposed to do that early?
Play Minecraft.

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I mean my sister deleted my Body Harvest safe file once when I was like 75% through the game but all I did was blow up her barbie doll with a firecracker in retaliation. Neither of us were traumatized by the event.

It's a fucking videogame.