
>Game lets you create cute female shortstacks
What are your hopes for Kenshi 2, Zig Forums? What do you want to see carried over or newly implemented?

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Kenshi still doesn't really feel like a complete game. It's full of good ideas and concepts but none of them are implemented extraordinarily well. It's like the guy got tired of working on it so he just called it done and moved on, which I guess I can't blame. It's a decent game but still pretty shallow. I don't know what he expects to accomplish with a sequel that he couldn't have done with the first game.

why do coomers ruin every video game they touch?

what I'd like to see:
>An actual optimized game
>Your towns getting populated by npcs and behave in no different way than any other town
>Quests, no matter how basic, I know you can't get quality quests in a sandbox game
>More interesting companions

>those terrible proportions
Why do you have such poor taste?

>tfw all I did in Kenshi is just being a normal commoner who mine and sell copper to survive

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>Kenshi 2
Not in your lifetime.

The faggot spent 12 years making this pile of shit and the last six years doing fuck all.

tfw did that for about three hours. Eventually I had bought all the free real estate in Squin, I only lazed about on my belly while my shek underlings went out to mine copper, the few comeptent fighters fucking up slavers and randoms any time they caused trouble to my employees.

I actually stopped playing simply because I felt like there was no reason to do anything else than lord over my domain.

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More character customization
More animations for everything
More equip slots for more character creation
quests along the lines of Mount and Blade where you are just escorting NPCs and settling feuds, not full blown quests, just things you can do. The game really needs something like this to give players something to do if they arent base building.

Most importantly, I want it to be more moddable. The first games modding is easy to work with but its very limited with what you can actually do, like you cant overhaul the map or anything. I want to see people remaking middle earth and shit. The games groundwork is great for any RPG setting.

tallstacks are better and the peak of humanity, fuck off midget lover

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>Not being a roaming hero that fights against slavers and all the injustices of the wasteland

The same hopes I have for Bannerlord. Just take the same base game and add more content while greatly fleshing out the existing mechanics.

shota shit is trash

And I spend all my hard earned cash just to buy polished weapons.
I wish I can do combat, but I still find it hard to grasp Kenshi's limb based combat mechanic. Is it true that all you have to do to get good in combat is just practice with dummy everyday?


getting beat up increases your toughness stat which lets you stay up in fights longer and your combat skills will follow

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I can love tallstacks and shortstacks just as much, user.

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Only if you lucky enough to survived. My last run some bandits beat the shit out of me and chopped off my hands

who needs hands

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I honestly don't even know what I would want in a Kenshi 2. Everything wrong with K1 is just a huge lack of polish which isn't even really that bad. Guess the world could be more dynamic, and I don't even know what I mean by that either.

My biggest complaints were all really minor, or fixed with mods.

Practicing with a dummy is good for the first few levels in melee attack, but it becomes ineffective fairly quickly. A good idea is just to get in fights and get the shit kicked out of you, but leave one character out of the fight to heal everyone after the battle in case everyone gets knocked comatose. You should leave that one character with your food, since most bandit type enemies will knick your food stores after the battle as well. Just be careful which enemies you challenge. Starving bandits and hungry bandits will leave you beaten, but alive. Beak Things and spiders will start eating you alive the moment you get knocked down. So, try to avoid fighting any animal that looks carnivorous until you have enough experience to feel confident.

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>Kenshi still doesn't really feel like a complete game.
This. Why are the devs working on a second game when they could be improving the first one? I mean they've created something that people really enjoy, shit like dlc expansions could keep them afloat for ages.

>tfw no Ruka gf

You can already make a town with tons of retards crawling all over it. Just keep building bigger and bigger until your cities map icon matches any other major factions and mouse over it. You will see all the details like desirability, etc or something I don't remember completely. People will eventually show up. Make sure your shit is set to open, etc along with a few buildings made public. You gotta be around a while before things are established.

What news is there of the sequel? Haven't heard anything since the announcement. Is it actually happening ?

It gets too hard for me to care about more than 2 or 3 character, but the game wants you to have more. They get too hard to manage by that point.

A few mock-ups of armor, and weather effects unless somethings changed. Ask again in 4 years.

Don't quote me on this, but I remember reading that the dev was feeling fairly burned out after his work on the first game. Their making Kenshi 2 on a newer version of the engine they were previously working on, so most of the assets and code can be ported over to the newer version without having to build all their code from the ground up again. I imagine working on a second game and building off what they completed in the first game is more motivating then continuously making updates to a game running on an outdated engine.

>rafts & river travel
>setting up traps and spike pits
>aoe affect acid, fire weapons
>better raids with ladders and grappling hooks
>ork like siege equipment

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Personally like this idea. Kenshi 1 is good enough for what it is and I'm excited to see what he does with the sequel.

>on a newer version of the engine
theyre using unreal engine

Thanks for the tips, fren

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