Kill someone

>kill someone
>get to hear them rage for 5 seconds

More games need to implement this

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>kill yourself
>everybody is happy

I'm paranoid that it picks up my rage mic even if I have push to talk enabled

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agreed, its fucking hilarious. i think it would be cool if you can talk to your enemies during gulag, just for the bantz

it's genius, glad they kept this for so long

Proximity chat in warzone would make this game god tier for me.

>it would be cool if you can talk to your enemies during gulag

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it would make me play it
it is criminal that this is a feature that will probably never be back in any game that a lot of people play

Technically you can, but you need to die to them. If you win you can just T Bag

My 2 brothers and I played tourney and these guys would literally scream. They'd go, "UUUUAUAAURRUGHAJWGHWGHGHGH FUUUUUCK FROM WHERE?!!?!? FROM WHERE, GAME?!!?! FUUFUUCUKKING STUPID GAME JHEEEESUSUSSS!!!!!"
It was golden, we were cracking up. The couple seconds of all chat at the end were incredible.

The first couple of months of PUBG was god tier for the savage bantz in proximity chat. Especially in the lobby

Maybe the only reason I even downloaded that game

Happens in GTA Online, if you set your chat preference to "no-one" you only hear them when you waste them

>engineowning the game

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that is my favorite part of the game, I love how often it's just pure rage screaming on the other end when you hear them. That and "FUCK!", always makes me chuckle.

Bruh open voice chat while waiting for your goulag fight is what this shit needs

Voice chat and then when your fighting its some how amplified even higher.

yes exactly
it was so fucking good
and i wasn't on the niggerniggernigger train but it was great to drop in that town just next to pochinki or however it was spelled because that had a couple nice buildings and it was where pussies would go and they would always hole up. grazna? it started with a g. like 8 buildings in a square and usually a vehicle spawn nearby
i'm coming for you. you can't hide. i hear you. you can't hide. i'm coming for you.

it was just great because it made the start of every game fun

Obviously you don't play. What with the clamping down on offensive language pretty mush all games are quiet.

This would be amazing. I hate how COD switches everyone to different lobbies after a match, I feel like we'll never get to really enjoy the heated arguments they would break out back in 360 lobbies

Feels like most games got rid of custom emblem creation for similar reasons, sucks they're taking out all the fun/social aspects of online games

>play shipment
>Kill guy with shotgun
>they had snakeshot

This community is fucking braindead but rage never stops making me chortle.

one of the redeeming factors of regular MP in this game is the post-match shit talking

>put trophy system on cars now since everyone uses an rpg

>get killed
>Its 3 cocks on a niggersface emblem

Nothing beats MW2 trashtalking lobbies

fucking based.

Trophy System is best field upgrade.

>use the sniper how you're supposed to as a long range rifle
"Wow nice hardscope bro"
>abusing the auto aim and then falling back on akimbo magnums when you miss is supposed to take more skill according to the average CoD brainlet

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I was running akimbo snake shot on Shipment back in season 2 when I unlocked it, had no idea why others weren't since it felt OP (guess because it was a grind to get it) and now I just hope they nerf it hard and soon. I dont even touch it now because of how toxic it's gotten. Between that, the MP5, MP7, M4, and quickscoping Kar players that's all I ever see being used in matches now.

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