Butterfly Soup

What does Zig Forums think of Butterfly Soup?

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Attached: D1BD7B33-F69B-41D4-8D99-8E05BBE47746.jpg (1354x756, 147.68K)

>Tumblr Art
>Pandering out the ass from expectations

>Pandering out the ass from expectations

Post some examples.

Attached: 54B3FE63-3685-4795-B684-106B9E8A7CFE.jpg (650x881, 110.81K)

Attached: A494F62C-5789-448C-BBD2-90879D38B519.jpg (1280x1022, 255.77K)

What a shitty faggot thread lol, back to tumblr you go


We post images here.

Attached: 8F25AACC-FC3E-4363-B5CC-F58E3FFDBB39.png (500x281, 132.5K)

Attached: 34F3B075-CF5D-44C5-8671-31C61F11EF68.jpg (1280x938, 230.1K)

Attached: You gotta deal with it!.png (830x787, 921.83K)


Attached: 6905A507-FF86-47EB-A07B-61E7C6A7E9AD.png (860x656, 229.97K)

>reddit spacing
Get fucked

Did 90% of her body get burned in an explosion or something? Is that why she's deaf in one ear and covers up?

>wearing long sleeves
>and a sweater
>in the fucking summer

What is it about this art style that literally makes me feel sick? All these soulless switch dating sims with weird bodies and everybody's just white folk coloured in brown, and everything is pastel and everyone is androgynous, it's utterly exhausting to even look at.
Literally nobody looks like this, and if they did I doubt they'd be so compelling I'd want to follow them around and take in their life.
Honestly repulses me, I can't even consider giving it a go.

Not an argument, mang.

Did you run out of shit marketing images, OP? Your game is more unremarkable dogshit designed to sell Twitter users culture back to them. You have no soul, and the game will not sell even half as well as you think it will.

Does this have porn OP?

I would buy it if it had porn.

It was alright. I wish it had more choices and that they had more of an impact on the story and it had few random anti white comments. And that tampon scene was weird.


They are fucking with you.

OK. Not necessarily anti white but in one scene it says something like " a couple of white guys shout at the Asian girl CHING CHONG! CHING CHONG!" Something like that or when they are kids they get pissed that majority of the world are white people. And the Asian chick says she wants to kill all the white people. It has been a while so I don't remember the scenes clearly.


Thanks for the heads up user

Gonna pass on this game

You are not missing out.

Give it a chance

Hey, depite that I still had a good time. I liked some of the music and it had a weird style or random humor that got me to laugh a couple times. It was just short and cringy at a few scenes

Meant to go to

It is already too late.

W-what do you mean user?

It is not like I like you or anything, baka.