Mega64 is still cringe. They've stopped being funny a long time ago

Mega64 is still cringe. They've stopped being funny a long time ago.

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not watching
give me the td;dw

It's a skit not an in-depth review.
You'd know this if you were familiar with mega64's content.

Vague satire that's not really sure if it's mocking Naughty Dog's crunch, and fan's "over-reaction".

They are still trying to tap in to the normie youtube market when their strength is fringe comedy. It has always come as cringe when try to dumb themselves down and release these kinds of skits. Their best content is on their individual personal videos and they would actually gain a large following if they would just release videos like Why No White Panther or Rocco's pronunciation series on their main channel. Not to mention their constant podcast uploads on their main channel which turns off any potentially new subscribers.

roccos main channel > all of mega64

>It's a video where derrick "acts"
Yeah I agree pretty cringe

It was never the same after they apologized to offended tumblr trannies

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more like megaCuck

What's wrong with mega64? are you being sarcastic?

I'm pretty sure most of the worst content and ideas come from derrick, dude should not be at the helm of anything.
This and also the poorly played stream can be fun sometimes.

Did they regret apologizing?

Mega64 works best when all of them do their natural interactions, the best podcast moments are the ones where they're genuinely doing their own thing not for the views or with a script or something planned.

I think they learned from that experience the best thing to do is simply say nothing and delete whatever needs to be deleted. See: every piece of potential drama that happened after that.

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I don't even know what to make of this because everything these guys do is buried beneath at least a dozen layers of irony.

What are these guys going to do when normie twitter finds out there are 5 years worth of podcasts where they say faggot 20 times an episode?

delete all the podcasts

Derrick's divorce?
The truth about Dr Ryan?
Are these videos or events?

There was also a fight recently in the podcast, I think it was at the beginning of the year but every clip regarding it has been deleted and forgotten.

After nearly 8 years of supporting them - by having bought all their DVDs and a half-dozen t-shirts - and doing my best to ignore their casual homophobia (which should directly offend me as a gay man, but which I always tried to give them the “benefit of the doubt” about), I’ve finally reached a point where I can no longer continue to support Mega64 in good conscience: Not after recent events which have proven that they simply do not care about the feelings of LGBT folk, particularly transgendered individuals.

My tolerance for what I’m going to call their “ignorance” started getting tested a month or so ago, when Eric Baudor started making a number of jokes on his Tumblr about “social justice warrior” sorts within the LGBT community. Now, It’s been a bad inside joke between Mega64 fans to needlessly shit on Eric since he first started showing up regularly in videos, but I never found that stuff funny / joined in on it myself. But when I started seeing just how ignorant he truly was / how callous he was the feelings of transfolk, I couldn’t stop myself from sending him an ask telling him how I felt about his jokes.

I was surprised to find that Eric had taken the liberty of “rephrasing” my ask in a way which avoided having to claim any responsibility for hurt feelings, and re-submitting it to himself several hours later. If you really read into his answer, it reads at one point as if he is boiling down the struggle of transfolk to a mere “dick situation.”

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What happened in 2015? Some normalfag shit?

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Mega64fags are really this obsessive?

Why did Eric really move to Texas?

It's not like people don't have them archived

texas is a way better place to live than cali

>Not after recent events which have proven that they simply do not care about the feelings of LGBT folk
This is a bait? get the fuck out tranny. mega64 will never suck your dick, fag

Rooster Teeth offered him a real job

I'm 30 and always liked their stuff. Always good for a laugh.

whatever happened with Royce?

he realized he was wasting his life away by being their podcast editor for free.


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Yeah this video was fucking awful. These days their only funny videos are the Todd and Aaron videos. The podcast is unwatchable whether it’s Rocco sperging about Disney or Derrick crying that they only have 300k subs.

i laugh

I haven't watched them in forever, I thought they moved on from real life skits but just found a death stranding one.

Pretty funny

what fight?

did anything happen or did he just quit?

Ecelebs/streamers/whatever you want to call them all start developing obsessive autistic fans after a while. Mega64 have been around for a really long fucking time so the autism levels are off the charts.

holy shit you are so fucking gay

Todd and Aaron videos are the highlight of Christmas ha ha...

did anybody save the clip of them arguing?