Why is it so easy to spend time pursuing your goals in a video game but so hard in real life

Why is it so easy to spend time pursuing your goals in a video game but so hard in real life

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because we are losers who chase rapid doses of dopamine while not actually struggling for it.

No physical exertion or social interaction/embarassment.

Because even the hardest games arent very taxing

>one you can do at the comfort of home, the other can not
gee i wonder why

Slower progression, lower dopamine, and pain/exhaustion is involved

vidya takes away most of the frustrating parts of the process and gives you lots of immediate feedback when you're making progress. you're being trained to have shorter and shorter attention spans, which will only make real shit harder and harder to accomplish.

>video game
>gives you good boy points and other carefully designed dopamine hits when doing shit you're supposed to

>real life
>you will not actually be cognizant of progress until you've put months into it

If only everything in life gave you a pump

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Any video game is still going to be very narrow in terms of what you can achieve, with clear pass/fail conditions making it easier to focus on, complete and get a sense of closure from than the messy, open endedness of real life pursuits

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Because games are evil Satanic tools conceived by the blasphemous Juden worshippers to ruin good God-fearing Christians, the sole purpose of which is to cast an illusion of fulfillment over the 'gamers' and distort their reality and ultimately siphon the joys of what make a man great from the player's soul, and then when he does not play games this gamer will be a shambling husk of mortality that is devoid of reason or logic and cannot think outside of or beyond his only ambition to get back to playing his games, and so he will be curt, discourteous, and socially inept in public, his entire meaning of life compromised by the illusory promise of fulfillment, happiness, and escape found upon the television, within the comfort and safety of his profanely crafted game space, which he has been deceived one thousand times over to believe that that is a superior alternative to living a life of purpose. Games are tools to make supplicate the masses, who will comply and serve those who wish to live a great life at the expense of the brotherhood of man, and therefore the enemies of mankind.
Beware, gamers - the Devil comes in disguise as your greatest ally and closest friend, but ultimately he is a vampire, for he cannot cross the threshold of your heart, mind, and soul if you do not invite him in. Reject him. Reject him and the evil Juden that create these monstrosities of gluttony in their endless avarice and life will offer far greater rewards to you for what risks you take, should you weather and withstand your trials in the face of evil.

I want to pursue astolfo's asshole

Could you imagine if Astolfo used his femboi muscles and pinned you down with his thighs haha like what if he rubbed his little boi penis on your face ha teasing you and eventually slipping it out before you begin sucking him off to gain leverage and eventually ripping a hole in those tights and ravishing his bussy


Death to trannies and women

Traps are the future

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It's the opposite for me. If I'm trying to do some mission or challenge in a video game and I fail once I immediately lose all motivation to keep playing for the time.

Because you're actually guaranteed a reward in videogames and not in real life.

Because you can't use console commands in real life

ok faggot

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give an explanation of these and proof they're not viruses

That or cute boys.
I try pretty hard on cuteboy aesthetic..

>her tits are gone
What happened?

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Busting your ass in vidya amounts to the same amount of effort as lazily digging a hole with lots of breaks, or doing some minor paperwork. Even pro players skirmish and practice is less effort and strain than golf practice.

Its still fun and cool but it doesnt transfer into reality outside motivation which is still useful.

He is his own man.

lmao imagine being a poop baby

>Astolfo with abs

birth 'aint pretty but it's a miracle none the less

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real life has bad game design

There's not enough guro of this faggot or hate crimes against gay people, remember to do your part.

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That's a girl isn't she?

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>work hard in video game
>game says "great job and promotes you"

>work hard in real life
>your boss takes all the credit and he gets a promotion instead

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anal birth
boi breast milk

He is a man.

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That's kind of hot.

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Jesus fuck, no.
I prefer keeping it normal boys.

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>anal birth
>busty traps

Nice gyno faggot

God I wish I looked exactly like that.

What's he going to do, shit the baby out? gross

Because one requires you to actually get up and be active and likely interact with people and tires you out, while the other only requires you to sit comfortably in front of a TV/Monitor and press a few buttons/keys. But I'm sure this thread is just a excuse to post traps so whatever.

Nah, he's still a dude

Trannies are traps but real and not a drawing to not make them look like freaks though?

I want Astolfo to have passionate sex with big tiddy girls with lots of kissing, handholding and leglocking, resulting in impregnation and happy marriage.

>Wanting cute boys with girls
Gross weirdo we only want boyfriends stupid

now this is redpilled