No-fur mode

>no-fur mode
>new scenes for several characters like Kiha, Izma or monsters like kitsunes
>New characters like Aiko (an unique kitsune NPC from Revamp), Circe and Sylvia .
>New sprites for several characters
>New weapon abilities and perks
>New dungeons like Tower of Deception or the Manor, which includes a new character: The Dullahan.
>Lethice no longer has balls.
>Fixed broken scenes
>Overhauled storage system and UI
This just needs a de-dick mode and it will be kino

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>>no-fur mode
Then what's the fucking point?

>>no-fur mode

This the one made by CoCAnon?

>overhauled UI
>its ascii shit


How about settling down with gargoyle girl and ending the game there?

It's an erotic VN, user

Now it just needs a dick is never too large mode so you don't get locked out of 80% of the content in a eat everything playthrough.

what exactly is this?
>no-fur mode
Is it possible to have a "monster only" mode, and ban females?

Actually, just give me a bara fur game that does not have any porn/sex in it at all. I just want to cuddle.