In general, would you describe yourself as a confident person?

In general, would you describe yourself as a confident person?

Attached: seaman.0.jpg (1400x1400, 89.02K)


yes. People think I'm cute and funny.
I hate myself, though.

Do you? Let me turn the water temperature up by 10 degrees and we'll find out

Apathetic is probably more of an accurate descriptor but yes

>People think I'm cute and funny

Attached: ooo.gif (500x251, 554.96K)

yes, just a little edgy


I fucking love Seaman

Am I confident in myself? Well...


I am seriously affected by the energy around me. If it's good, I'm an angel. Otherwise, I'm a shruvelled, nonreathingm, polite, whispering, sad man.

Also, video games?

Yes. Many legitimately don't like my voice at first though. They get used to it.

I am motivated but not determined, I am resilient but not confident. I consider myself to be mentally untouchable but notice I did no say physical because no man is.

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>backseat janny has no personality

Both the OP image and quote are from a videogame.

seamen :D

This is a data collection thread.

I know it's a meme but Seaman does a great job creating the illusion you're talking to a real person.

I am God.

>not shitposting false info just to fuck with those shills
c'mon you are not even trying

I wish this game got a re-release but all we get is fucking sonic.

Buy another Dreamcast.

Prove it

>say something to the mic
>dreamcast makes loud grinding think noises
>seaman says one line

That's what I did


God I wish we would still get games like this made by proper studios.

Not really, kinda shy actually, unlike my confident coworkers.
Uh, some guys have all the luck.
I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

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>I hate myself
then you are not confident

A lot of buzz is made in the media these days about computers. Many people believe computers are changing the way humans interact with each other for the worse. Tell me, do you think computers are, in general, a positive thing?

Attached: Seaman.jpg (400x226, 19.8K)

I filled you with doubt that you must overcome.

No i am 100% certain my life would be better off if i never ever had contact with a computer

Wow it actually is from a video game

how the fuck does he know this

They definitely make our lives easier and more comfortable but it could result in us becoming too complacent in the long run.

Computers made my life worse.

In general obviously it keeps things stable but the social aspect has taken a turn for the strange, not necessarily worse but I think people need to adjust to the massive amount of change at happening so fast

>no bro it's the computers fault trust me

im one hundred percent sure seaman was an early form of chinese spyware

It's difficult to say. If there is something to say to other people, I can easily and confidently say it, even push other people around. But if there is nothing to say I cannot speak a single word.

Computers have opened up avenues of exploration in things that interest me that are simply unrivaled by books, as much as I like reading. It allows me to speak to people thousands of miles away who I enjoy talking to, who without it I would have never been able to speak to. Computers might be bad for other people, or might be used as a scapegoat for other people, but I thoroughly enjoy computers.

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