What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Snoy fags SEETHING

your abortion lol

what is this thread about



People are expecting new diverse, exciting IP and have been waiting over 10 yrs for it.

Xbox series x gameplay

It's a ubishit game, nothing but investment into the cinematics

>watch Xbox reveal gameplay event
>it's literally mostly cut scenes and female empowernent

Aaaaaand pre order cancelled.

Aaaaaand PS5 pre ordered.

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>more likes than dislikes
xbox wins again
try again sony.

Oh, Snoyniggers coping then.

nice """""gameplay""""" xcucks

got 'em!

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>xbox people upvoted
>sony people downvoted
>what went wrong?

just wait

This is why I didn't care for this year's E3, zero gameplay like always

How hard have you gotta cope that a barely 50% upvoted video is a win. This aint the US elections.

>Pre-ordering video games.
>In an age where any game worth the box it comes in will be well stocked most everywhere on launch

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I don't know how you managed to ignore TLOU2 and HZD during this generation.

>more likes than dislikes
That's on IGNorant's trailer
Xbox SeX's channel trailer has 4.1K Like - 5K Dislikes

Is this revenge for Last of Us 2 being shit?

Pretty much

>HAHA we were just pretending to be xcucks!!
>we were just shitposting and memeing HAHA

Too much gameplay.

Horizon is actually fun and has neat combat scenarios, and on higher difficulties is hard as shit. Are we changing the goalposts on Zig Forums again about game aren't movies?

yeah basically, they've been waiting for anything to shit on. They could have had bloodborne 2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8 and it would look like this

They re-upload the video. The original video was made private after 15 mins.

>sonyfags grasping at the straws over trailers mislabeled as gameplay when they can't even prove their console or controller exists
Nothing went wrong, Xbox just confirmed a shit ton of great looking games, sonyfags are asshurt

I was saying it more for the female empowernent part

Yep. Whether it's reuploading, disabling comments, or hiding the likes, they will always damage control. Always.

Eh... wasn't bad, just underwhelming to what we thought.
Should have said "game footage" instead of "gameplay."
At least Bright Memory Infinite looks Next-Gen, that's what I expected.

They showed off 15 games, 3 of which we knew about like Bloodlines 2, Ass Creed and Madden. They showed a BAMCO game that wasn't Elden Ring, they showed a FPS that looks like Killzone, Far Cry and Crysis combined, and a game about a pregnant woman. What the fuck are you on about exactly?


Dunno, I didn't watch it. Who cares.

Will this stupid fucking narrative recently that "Xbox has always been the underdog and good guy compared to sony" Finally fucking end?
>Xbox introduced paid online
>Dudebro audience
>Overpriced consoles with shittier hardware

You mean like snoy disabling the ratins on the last the tranny of us trailer?

I guess, but Days Gone was decent and wasn't about cuckery, hopefully that studio doesn't get cuckholed any time soon. Fuck man, I need to jump on STEAM these console shitheads keep letting people down.

Maybe stop living in the past trannoid? Xbox has been the most pro consumer in the past few years.

I'd rather have the dudebro audience at this point.

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OP is a faggot

>it's these f-f-fr*ckin' xbox fans!! truly we are the most persecuted!

Days gone was shit m8

Expectations were too high. At least we have shit. What do Snoys have. A logo and a controller. But to be honest with you guys. The fans are also shit and it happens to all 3. Sony with this youtu.be/ph8LyNIT9sg has more dislikes than it should (about 100k), fuck even Nintendo has had this shit happen to them recently youtu.be/2aqVlLlKkcg
It's people who are entitled or overhyped and get disappointed... that's why I always have my expectations low for anything now. LoU2, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, fuck even Doom Eternal I was not hyped.


you can't be pro anything when you have no consumers

Any important reveal?

Is that a narrative? People have hated Microsoft since the 80s, Nintendo and Sony fans have hated Xbox since it's announcement. So in a way, they are the 'underdog' but no one sees them as innocent.

>female empowerment
The female led tribe are fucking retards while the male led carja are the only semblance of a civilization

Fanboys probably. I did not watch or have the intention to watch the video, but I can tell that sonykids are mad.

You can though, to attract them.
Maybe that line sounded better in your head lol?

OP btfo forever

no games

Dudebros vs resetera trannies.

I think I take dudebros. Call of Duty at least has gameplay.

I didn't even notice that until now, is Guerrilla, dare I say, based?

>implying it's not xbox fanboys unhappy with their trash product

You are literally changing the goal post from female shoehorning to gameplay lmao. 0 self-awarement, as expected from a braindead snoy consoomer.

Fuckin' owned lmao

Yeah "xbox fanboys"

I'm not unhappy. At least we are getting info. And info for the next 6 month with more games. It's just a whimper. At least it's not like the Xbox One reveal, where it was all TV and DRM shit.

>female shoehorning
did you even play the game? Get off Zig Forums for a while, autist. Your brain is fried.