Are you excited for the next GEN of gaming?

Are you excited for the next GEN of gaming?

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not a fair comparison considering everyone knew VtMBL2 is going to be a disaster from the jump. Also, Hardsuit is cringe.

Why'd they use source filmmaker to make a trailer for a next gen title?

heather is cute

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>posting a ps2 prerendered cinematic that looks nothing like in-game

Attached: 1586727117725.png (645x773, 87.12K)

Why can't these lefty fucks make good games? Like, fill it the butty rim with nergroid tranny furries trying to cross the border into an amazon communist utopia...but at least fucking make it look good and play well. But instead it always looks like shit, and the gameplay is boring.

Attached: 1588369556541.png (462x450, 206.5K)

SH3 didn't have any of those.

that is literally an in game scene

>prerendered cinematic that looks nothing like in-game

Pic related is literally (You)

Congrats on not only being a huge retard, but defending the dumpster fire that is VtMBL2

>technology improves
>but everything looks ugly as sin since there are very few western devs with competent art directors and artists
>left wing parasites are the ones poisoning the well with shit like this

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This bothers me way too much and I can't believe shills brainwashed fans into not caring about graphics. GRAPHICS FUCKING MATTER.

YOU WANT A PRETTY GIRL DON'T YOU? not a girl who's just good at sucking (gameplay), you want her too be pretty too!. SAME WITH GAMES.

Graphics matter and the games we're getting right now, Assasin Creed Valhalla, Cyberpunk, Resident evil and Final Fantasy Remake? THEY DON'T LOOK 2020.

We deserve better than 2016 graphics. Look at Witcher 3, L.A. Noire, revolutionary for its time, even Heavy Rain and shit like that, Bioshock Infinite is from 2012 AND LOOKS GORGEOUS.

Yet we're in the very next decade and all games look like fucking shit, even VR games have low textures.

what the fuck was that thing?


Alright, now that you've been outed as a colossal retard will you admit it or will you Dial 8 and say you were pretending to be retarded?

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Here is what she actually looks like in the game, nice try

Attached: 785030-silent-hill-3-playstation-2-screenshot-heather-doesn-t-trust.jpg (720x576, 38.4K)

>Zig Forums doesn't play games
color me shocked

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>Muh left

Attached: a28.png (680x680, 191.41K)

>VTMB known for its amazing facial animations for the time
>The sequel looks exponentially worse in that regard
Why make a sequel if its just going to be worse in every way

maybe that screenshot was taken from an emulator with a higher resolution, but its the same model

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oh no no no

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>OP image says PS2 2004

The resolution of the game doesn't change the fact that the in game character model looks better

Nice 5 pixels retard maybe choose a pic with a higher resolution? I can also post a pic of gow in order to proof the the graphics of it suck

This thread is just retarded
First, Silent Hill 3 is from 2003, not 2004
Second, it has a PC version, the high-res screenshot is not from the PS2 or emulator

we live in a society

You forget that much of the cancer in the western game industry hails from left wingers.

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Yes it does since we are talking about ps2 and you can clearly see its a blurry mess on ps2

My god the level of backtracking, OP literally says PS2 and you cry and say but muh pc version muh higher resolution

I don't even know how the fuck Silent Hill 3 even runs on a PS2. The damn thing looks incredible.

Yeah man and this is what FFVII looks like on PS1!

Attached: maxresdefault (6).jpg (1280x720, 72.4K)

it's silly for anyone to believe that the western games industry is dominated by progressives and commies