Total Warhammer Thread

Orks are gonna be fixed in two weeks, lads!

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It's about fucking time

the orcs and gobs need to be more green like in op's picture

Never played a Total War game or any game like it, is Warhammer 2 good to start with?


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Can't wait to start up twenty Bretonnia campaigns at once in two weeks!

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How are they being fixed?


Sort of, it's notably different than most historical Total War games but if you want to get into the fantasy Total War games which is really just TWW 1 and 2 plus TW3K it's probably the best one to start with

If you like it buy the first game and you can play both in a combined campaign


id say grab the first game on the cheap to test the waters
owning the first gets you shit in 2 anyway so its not a waste

try to get wh1 when its on sale too so you can play the gigacampaign

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Taken from the update page:

The Greenskins will be getting a number of updated features, most notably a rework of the Waaagh! This will be changed to an innate race trait instead of a character ability.

In battle, Greenskin units engaged in combat will generate Waaagh points to fill up a bar. When this bar is full, the player can trigger a Waaagh!
Once the Waaagh! ability is used, you should switch to an all-out attack and use that momentum to win. The Waaagh! can be used multiple times but each additional Waaagh! requires more Waaagh! points to unlock it

In campaign, the Waaagh! is a faction pooled resource which must be built to maximum to enable Waaagh! invasion. To start a Waaagh!, select a target region and dedicate it to either Gork or Mork. A transported Waaagh! army will then support each of the available armies to occupy or raze the target. After a set duration, Waaagh! will end and your points will drop to zero. Based on success of the Waaagh!, rewards get dished out (including a Waaagh! boost). You can build up Waaagh! points again to trigger your next Waaagh!

There’s also a new Scrap feature for the Greenskins to represent their ability to scavenge items from battles or settlements and use these to unlock special technology nodes and upgrade units.

Each recruited Greenskin unit may access a new panel where they can benefit from one of several upgrade options.

Upgrading a unit will cost a certain amount of Scrap
Each unit in your army will be able to choose and keep an upgrade individually
Each unit will have several different upgrade options
Pushing the units existing strength or adding new functionality
Other Greenskin updates will include:

New character skills
Unit improvements
Badlands map update
New start position for Azhag

So basically they're getting crusades?

Elle est rapide!

their changing wagh so its not shit
grimgor is getting major buffs but we dont know specifically what they are yet
azhag is getting a new start
also snotwagons

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Sorry green bro but the cold one could solo that entire Ork squad.

Is there a faction you will never play in your entire fucking life or did you give them all the ol college try?

that's basically what WAAAGHS! are

not a faction but im never gonna touch manfred or ghorst

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and be depressed that nakai or teenyweeny will never be good
I'm happy for you GS bros

literally and mechanically anything interesting or desirable about them

I am Tz'arkan and I approve of every race GETTING FUCKED

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i tried everything but high elves was such a sleepy slog

when are they gonna fix Grimgor 'tho? Dude's tiny as heck.

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>never gonna touch manfred


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I'm not interested in ever purchasing the Queen and the Chrone, so those two. The rest of the lord packs have gotten me with at least one of the guys, and I got Grim and Grave for the KotBS.

hes getting buffs with the patch we just dont know what they are though

I don't like Elves that much but Dark Elves are pretty cool, not sure why I like em. Fucking hate High Elves though.

I guess >New character skills and >Unit improvements might refer to him but there's nothing there directly referencing him

I expect he'll get a new skill replacing Waaagh! and maybe one or two other new skills and that will be it

are they adding new units other ways why even bother


I haven't tried all the legendary lords given that a lot of TWW1 legendary lords are almost the exact same

Like what's the real campaign difference between the Franz and Superpope? Or Memefried and Corpse Cart Man?

None of the factions are unplayable though, some are just a lot more dull than others

>but Dark Elves are pretty cool
>hate High Elves though

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so is fantasy coming back to games workshop tabletop? i thought they admitted they were wrong recently and backtracked
did i imagine this

Did they mention anything about proving grounds changes coming into the base game? I want to play again but fuck I hate the public order penalty on legendary.

They have some cool units like cygors, but honestly they need a rework. Gods willing they'll fix beastmen before TWW3.

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It sort of is but not in the way you think, it's getting a redesign in some areas to be more PC friendly.

Warriors of Chaos. Probably Redditrats too, I don't like anything about them. The only time I liked them was watching someone on tabletop wipe out half his own army in one turn from a chain of critical failures caused by a warp cannon.

They won't they said that TWW3 will balance out and fix all the factions that didn't get DLC or updates.

I just want to see him grow bigger and darker as he levels up

I wonder if in TWW3 you will be able to re-enslave Grimgor as the Dawi-Zharr.

Wait don't I need the first game to play their factions in 2? I ask since greenskins were a faction in 1 but the DLC page on steam says I just need 2.

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No, but you only get access to the ones added in that specific DLC. So if you want to play GS you'll only have access to Grom.

I assume you will only be able to play the DLC faction and not the base greenskins that are separated into three playable factions.

That's why the rats are fun though. The artillery battles of goblin vs ratmen is fantastic on tabletop. I wish they had brought something like those failure charts to total war. Nothing like seeing two armies in a competition to see who self destructs before the other.

I think one of the main issues with the Beastman campaign was being added BEFORE wood elves, that entire dynamic is missing from the campaign, so you only focus on fucking with humans pretty much.

Personally I think their playstyle of being a massive dick and just running around razing shit then running back into the woods where no one can catch you is pretty funny, but they've been powercreeped up the ass so it's pretty hard now.

Closer to Tabletop mod gives artillery a miscast chance, rats have a higher chance than most.

Nah the greenskins will be like Repanse without owning the first game i.e locked to the vortex campaign only.