Name a more evil corporation

Name a more evil corporation

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Bamco is pretty tame


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>Put Bamco game in console
>Recording has been blocked for this scene

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someday they're going to actually give digimon a budget

I wouldn't call them evil, just stagnant.
They put out the same 3D anime arena fighters every year and occasionally shit out a new version of Pac-Man Championship Edition.
Harada is basically carrying the entire company on his back, and anything not produced by him isn't worth paying attention to.
I wonder if they would be better off if they never merged with Bandai. I can't really think of anything good that came of the merger.

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Are you talking in the scope of just video games or Japanese companies or as an entirety in the planet?

Blizzard, EA, Valve, Tencent are top contendors for video games

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Zig Forums community support LLC

Capcom in the mid 00's

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Based Harada is gone. He’s promoted to such a high executive position he doesn’t really producer or direct anymore.
If you follow Tekken, pass few months have been a wild ride when Michael Murray took over as the Tekken producer. Murray made in game frame data available as paid DLC and then fucks with the balance whenever he feels pressured on twitter. Harada just sits back and enjoys his nice new paycheck.

But I still wouldn’t call Bamco the most evil vidya company

Beat me to it. Otherwise I'd say Scamco is the most evil vidya corporation.

I haven't actually bought Tekken 7. I'm still waiting for a new edition with all the DLC included.
I just remember playing it at a friend's house and really enjoying it. I'm not aware of any new developments outside of fucking hating that they put a flash in the pan Walking Dead character in while the entire fanbase is screaming for Kiryu.

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was this supposed to be hard?


They saved Ace Combat when no one else would've done the same, so they have my respect

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yeah, but nestle drumsticks are nice.

Sony. I'll never forgive them for killing commercial emulation, a sin compounded by them following in Microsoft's footsteps.

>I'll never forgive them for killing commercial emulation
never happened. notice all the emulators e-begging for money on patreon these days. all sony did was stop people from selling emulators for their console on the competitors' consoles, which no company in their right mind would allow. nintendo has done more to harm emulation than any other company.

Well they added loot boxes to a single player game, so they're getting there.

>never happened
Yes it did. you went on to describe it in your own post.
>B-but Nintendo
Yeah fuck Nintendo too but I dislike Sony more. Stop simping for corporations you flaming faggot.

Base game Tekken 7 and season 1 was great. But season 3 (when Murray took over) is whack with them flip flopping the balance and shitty practices

Singlehandedly normalized DLC.

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>Yes it did. you went on to describe it in your own post.
not really. emulator staffs begging for money on patreon is proof that commercial emulation is still a thing.
>Stop simping for corporations you flaming faggot.
stating facts isn't "simping for corporations," tankie.


Oh. Great.
This gen is making me miss when fighting games saved their major changes for new incarnations of the same game.