Unironically kino of mice

Unironically kino of mice
post your mices

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>still get beat by some norwegian with a $2 logitech

I really love these dumb, ugly pieces of shit.
Not at browsing porn, my friend. A hotkey for everything.

Corsair mice are known for having a really crappy wheel.

If you mean with how it feels rolling, sure it's pretty meh but i've never had issues with it functionally.

It will fail, sooner than later

What a loaded statement. Everything fails sooner or later. Even our own bodies.

>obsess over peripherals and input lag for years
>as if I'm still passionate and care about video games
>at the end of the day I have all this gear but I'm a deadbeat washed up player and video games are too mentally and physically demanding

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So will you and I, but when my mouse fails I can buy another.

I have two Corsair mice and on both the wheel died in less than a year

i have one of these but the outer shell is really worn out and the plastic is peeling. i cant find a replacemnt shell anywhere

I've had a Corsair keyboard and mouse since 2016 and have had no issues.

Any good mice that have like 3-4 thumb buttons? I would like more than 2, but 12 is way too much.

it was until the scroll wheel broke out of nowhere after a year

I've had this same one the OP posted for years now and it's fine.

logitech wireless pro or zowie ec2

You say that it's too much until you start using them. For me, the 10-12 keys I didn't use until recently because most games don't require keybinds beyond or 7. Honestly I can't go back to mice without these number pads that is how i've pretty much started with my PC. It's great for pretty much any kind of game and if you play ESDF you will be the king of gods

anyone know of any decent alternatives?

When this mouse dies ill be buying another.

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Thanks, but I really don't want all those buttons. I like a balance of simplicity and functionality. 2 buttons is just barely not enough for my needs. The ideal setup for me would be 4 buttons with which I could use modifier keys for additional functionality, if needed.

I've been using mine for a while and the wheel gets a buttload of dust in it, disrupting the cursor and forcing me to dig it out with a toothpick or something
Otherwise it's fine and a godsend for my faggy MMOs

Best mouse coming through

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>play with G502 but fall for the lighter is better meme
>get sold mice by influncers on youtube
>start trying to find the ‘perfect’ mouse
>have to keep up with the latest trend
>mice feet
>eventually figure out I’m a fucking sucker and stopped having fun without my G502
>go back to it and it’s just as good with more buttons for comfyness

Don’t fall for mice. Don’t fall for mechanical keyboards. Don’t fall for headphones.
I’ve fallen for all 3 and they are all bullshit. Anytime you find a “scene” run.

recently had the take mine apart to take out fuzz that was stuck in the wheel fucking it up. I cannot imagine playing a game now with out all the buttons at the tip of my thumb.

>destroys the server with pure skill

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>more than 2 side buttons

How are you supposed to hold OP's pic related without a thumb rest? Wouldn't you be clicking on it for a grip?

That's too many buttons, the perfect number is 9


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god tier

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You haven't experienced having dedicated buttons to swap tabs and close them.

I love this mouse but whenever I get one the middle click just wears the fuck out in less than a year.

>logitech chads