How can we join her island?

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wow she's just like me

Is there anything cringier than politicians trying to act cool????


who cares. pick up a monado

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>alarm siren emoji
woo woo
Sound the fucking presses
we've got news!


art of her getting fucked by tom nook when?

who gives a fuck you colossal smelly manchild

Check this one out.

would be cool

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Twenty-something socialists are so fucking cringey.

w-what are the toilets for

All celebrities do it so they stay relevant. Now everyone needs to be quirky, geeky and nerdy. Quite disgusting. The worst part is that most retards swallow it.


>breaking: woman plays video games
fake news

You're supported to pee in them imagining your dick is close to what is represented by the pictures on the wall.

god why does this turns me on so hard

Ronaldino potato valdez?

Remember that barista who become an overly loud democratic representative?
Yea, me neither.

who cares

>pee in them

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Except AoC has been an active gamer since before she event got into politics.
there's reddit comments by her on leagueoflegends subreddits from way before she ran for office.

what game would Drumph play?

Isn’t this the dumb bitch who cost her district a bunch of jobs with amazon and acting like it was a victory because she’s fucking retarded?

Name one thing this tramp has accomplished since she took office.

females = cancer

If she ever invites people to her island, we need a group effort to spam MAGA shit


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he only plays porn games


made people hate Puerto Ricans



Artificial Academy

Literally who?

I wonder if she knows how to get to Epstein's island.

Papers, Please

Everyone with me. We will quest to find out who the fuck asked

>How can we join her island?
Just walk on in, like she would allow Mexicans do to the US.


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>there's reddit comments by her on leagueoflegends subreddits
Peak cringe.

worn a couple outfits showing off her tits. hopefully she is voted out this year and gets into porn while they stll look good.

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Reminder to our Dem friends AOC along with Bernie are actors who at the end of the day will always bend knee and submit to the corporate controlled democratic party. They're actors trying to get you to believe they care about you when they always follow the House Criminal Nancy Pelosi l. Stop being fooled friends.