"and you will be able to play all of your favorite Steam games with mods on the Series X!"

>"and you will be able to play all of your favorite Steam games with mods on the Series X!"
What would happen if he said this?

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yellowstone eruption

snoy cope like never seen before

well seeing as how inside xbox went today, it would be just another fucking bullshit lie from him for the 650,000th time

Not much.majority of PC games barely have a modding scene. People would get initially hyped and then see 90% of games only offer emo textures of the MC and a hook FX mod

nothing? just fucking buy a pc

Nothing. Because nobody would still buy a Sexbox over a PC they already have.

He'd win the gen but its never going to happen.

Well that's not saying much, it can't be that hard since xbox won the previous three generations as well.

get a job valve fag
so you can get a pc close to xbox specs lmao

What exactly are the exclusives on xbox one anyway?

mods suck you tard, play the game the way the developers intended.

"You can have my money, Phil."
Steam + Game Pass is the perfect combo, as long as they don't charge you to play Steam games online, I'd be down.

instant buy.

Why would I want to buy a PS4? My money is gonna fuel a Pride Parade from them. Why? Why would anyone of you want this?

Fuck that. Give me itchio and gog or better: Just allow me to install windows 10 on the thing. Will be a huge upgrade for 99% of the mustard race at a cheap price.


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They'd never let you play Steam games I'd buy day one if they let you play Microsoft store PC games with M+KB

you wake up from your wet dream

Killer Instinct and Forza Horizon 2 which are better than anything on the fifastation 4.

Cringe and antivideogamepilled.

I can already do thay on my PC m8.
Give me exclusives and I'll buy your console.

So a generic fighting game at a realistic racing game? Where's the fun in that?

>xbox already has a pretty good track record of consistent backwards compatibility
>gimme exclusives

>Because nobody would still buy a Sexbox over a PC they already have
The easily intimidated scrubs that use gaming prebuilts and laptops would. Same with people that already have a bunch of X Box, 360, and one games

Sony would win anyway

god i hate microsoft

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it would finally mean consoles are just shit prebuilt PC's in a black box

implying they would allow nude mods , remove female mods , big tits mods, any licenced IP mods

aka it would be utter pointless

How do I download more RAM