Monster Hunter

Tell me user, what have you been hunting lately?

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a new wife

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Questionably based

Raging Brachydios. He's pretty fun with lance solo.

Whatever SOShitters need help with

GS Only
Tempered Jang
Tempered Deviljho
Tempered Velkhana
Arch-Tempered Anxiety

For the gems, of course

Was doing Guiding Lands levelling since i already got the Kulve stuff i wanted and got the 12 Tickets from Nami, fought a Tempered Velk without preparations and had a tough time but ended up doing it without carting.

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That's official art? Hmm.mmmmmm...

Nothing. Ive lost all motivation to play this game. Ive lost motivation for a lot of things

Just killed my first Ramadan or whatever the spiky guy is called

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>meme speed

I never got too far into MHW, but my new PC build motivated me to start it back up.
Just killed my first Kirin through Expeditions. Cool fucking fight. Even though I know I'm still in what's considered the early game for MH.

Enjoy your time

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>Female character
>Shitty movie effect
Sure is Worldfag in here

nargacuga and barioth are really wearing down my will to complete iceborn I cant tell if Im bad, just behind on equipment it takes like 30mins of straight whacking them for any noticable damage to show up meanwhile they can two shot me with wide sweeping attacks from a mile away

Damn Vatchovski sisters play MHW?

this guy's videos are retarded

I can understand Barioth walling you but if you really are getting demolished by Nargacuga upgrade your goddamn gear, he's a pretty fair fight compared to Barioth.

claw made the game unfun for me

Are you using Clutch Claw at every opportunity? It makes a huge difference. Make sure you're wallbanging and weakening parts. You should at least at the beginning, start hunts using Rocksteady for a free wallbang then clutch and weaken while they're down. You can usually slip another wallbang in before they enrage.

What weapon?

using LS right now and because nargacuga uses its tail so much I try to clutch claw the tail but it just does literally any tail attack near instantly and I get thrown off at half hp

Look out for SOS flares and pop your own. Barioth's fucking annoying solo, especially if you're someone like me who doesn't clutch claw very often.

Can't speak for Nargacuga though, fought him like one time for the story with a friend and his gear ended up being shitty

If Elders Dragons, are sentients, and they're obviously older than you, I'm just saying it would be hypothetically okay to fuck them.

are you aware of foresight/iai spirit slash mechanics it has?
I'd suggest to look for some youtube LS guides, but it has to be specifically for Iceborne

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>see a booru image
>it's not porn
Pleasantly surprised and disappointed at the same time.

That stupid overgrown sea sponge, Namielle

Logically based

the virgin sip vs. the chad head dunk

No, I gave up after failing to find a large gold crown Velkhana after fucktons of investigations. Seriously fuck achievements based on grinding hoping that RNG won't fuck you over. And fuck silver crowns, the greatest blue ball in the game.

Any PC room up?

Use lance for these two.

Actually use lance for everything.

Any more interactions of monsters ? I really like them, I remember off the top of my head
>Odogaron dragging a Legiana's corpses
>Legiana scratching trees