Should Sonic take a break like Crash?

Should Sonic take a break like Crash?

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How long was Crash's break?

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For what? It's not like Sonic games are good.

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2011-2016. All it took to find that was a Google->Wikipedia search.
C'mon, user; you can be less lazy.

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Around nine years.

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If it means Sonic Team disbands entirely and a new studio is made from its ashes, then sure.

If not, there is no point.

None of them have dicks.

How would they procreate with no dicks?

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Like the Chao? Who also don't have dicks?

But the girls clearly have "bits" to hide.
Iizuka gets some pretty dumb questions, but I'm surprised no one's ever bothered asking how Sonic's Worldians have sex.

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They aren’t because it’s a cartoon for children sthgfag

>But the girls clearly have "bits" to hide
They don't. Amy doesn't wear underwear in Sonic The Fighters and there's clearly no "bits" underneath.

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Why is Sonic screaming at her crotch?

He's taking her hammer away so he can smash her with it.

Also princess sally is completely naked AND CANON

Just let it go already.

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They do. Most of the 3D games have panty shots.

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Fuck off to you other thread, faggot, I saw you're post

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They don't. I already proved they don't. Now you're being autistic.

Good talk.

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He took a 4 year brake between Lost World and Forces. No excuses

No problem.

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Yeah, real permament like.

Sonic Spinball out now

People loved mania and the movie did really fucking well.
If anything now would be the time to pump out a normie friendly game.
If they could nail a 3D game without the adventure autism then sonic would truly be back baby

Your post still doesn't make Sonic not shit

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>b-but muh mohawk design!

>If they could nail a 3D game without the adventure autism
None of the games since at LEAST 2011 have had "adventure autism". Time let the boogeyman go, pal

yeah they need to find his place in modern gaming *munch munch*
maybe go back to his roots make him weak and vulnerable you know? *munch munch*

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>another whiny sonic thread
Here's how these threads always play out:
>"Dude list your same sonic lists and let's pretend this isn't a general lmao"
>someone will make a negative comment of a 3d game and some autist will make an angry "NOOOOOO" reply with a wojak
>Adventurefags seething about people liking Colors, Generations, and Mania
>storyfags defending terrible Sonic stories for the sole reason of being serious
>cropped Rouge and Amy porn
>Genesis era and Boost era fags making one post and immediately leaving since they know a shit thread when they see one
>OP replying to his own rant posts with "based" thinking no one can tell he's samefagging
These have been nearly every Sonic thread on Zig Forums for the past two months due to a couple of retards that feel like /sthg/ on /vg/ was being too mean to them.

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Are Sonic threads really just a central group of autists constantly fighting?

fuck off classicpedo!