Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom!

What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Being a euro fag and adding Us to words that don't need it.

Your abortion lol

I think you have that wrong Eggman

This is a shitty bait thread OP, you have to bring up how Mario is better if you want real attention


spelled colors wrong

real answer was an increased emphasis on gimmicky 2d sections when 2d sections control like ass in these games

Boost Sonic needs to stop trying to have 2D segments period.

that's shadow

I'm luring out some autistic guy, he may be in this thread right now!

Ah I found him

But he's right, the 2D sections infused in every single level of the nusonic games are far more trash than any of the separate characters you only had to play once ever were

what, me? I'm certainly not the autist you're looking for

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Boost Sonic needs to stop existing.

oh no [ring spilling noises intensify]

Remember to say hi to the /sthg/ reject sperg while you're here to shitpost.

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Did all of us just migrate from the same archived thread?

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I'd rather play the 2D sections than the 06 hi-speed section.

Unleashed was so close to being perfect if SEGA just didn’t force the werehog segments. Just because it wasn’t a good game it doesn’t mean they needed to dumb down the plot to Mario tier and make Sonic 2D again (although there’s nothing inherently wrong with adding 2D). Unleashed hit the same sweet spot as 3K in terms of storytelling and they haven’t tried it again since.
They tried with Forces, but it didn’t work because they had to force all the characters for some unknown reason instead of having them change or develop.
It’s quite sad really. It’s like the opposite of the saying “1 step backward, 2 steps forward”. Sonic Team is always managing to take 1 step forward, 2 steps backward.

no I haven't been on Zig Forums much today, busy working

what did I miss


According to the retards who don't want sonic-related threads on Zig Forums at all, everyone who replies to these is a /sthg/ reject in the first place

I hope so that's the real reason I made the thread

Of course, once the bump limit hits, every fag willing to argue comes out of the woodworks, and once it archives, someone tries to get a new sonic thread started. Why do you think OP made a thread about Colors right after colors was being bashed in the last thread?

Ignoring the ridiculous jank, 06's speed sections was just stealth prototyping for boost gameplay
And I don't remember them lasting all that long, though I haven't touched 06 in over a decade

Heh, I made one for the same reason.
Your's seems to be doing better though.

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>bashed in the last thread
Fuck off. Colors was getting praise over shit like Unleashed, don't bring your shit narrative here

>right after colors was being bashed
You mean right after colors was being defended
One guy even said the writing was good and accused everyone of wanting the games to be edgy, completely unprompted


man everything after adventure 2 just stops making sense

He's getting cucked and mogged.
What a shame.

>wanting the games to be edgy, completely unprompted
They do though and look where that gets us?
We end up with tripe like Forces or Unleashed.

>We end up with tripe like a game that has objectively bad and out of touch writing, and a game that isn't edgy
Do you really want to go down this road user
Do you really want to make shitty non-applicable arguments that can be turned back on the games you're defending just as hard

I need to just make a fucking sonic profile and use it as a sig so people know where i'm coming from in sonic threads

Adventure and Adventure 2 were both good
Unleashed needs a PC port
Colors was gimmicky
Generations was great when it came out but nowadays I don't care about it all that much. There are no good 2-d segments in 3d sonics


3d sonic gameplay should capture the fun of optimizing a speedrun, boost sonic should handle like a racing game, with gameplay that rewards quick reflexes and memorization. Maybe.
Sonic's walk and run animations have been ass since unleashed

had a legitimately good plot you mean?
aka SEGA forces the writers to make all the characters stereotypes of themselves

I’m not an erafag but can we please stop pretending Colors had a good plot? Literally what’s the appeal in making Sonic a Mario clone? There are already plenty of those to go around.

Lost World is more edgy than Unleashed. Battle, SA2, and Black Knight were good "edgy" stories. It's all about execution. Unleashed was just alright in terms of plot, but it's tone was more like the Advance games or classics rather than the Adventure games.
I don't think people care about the plot and what's happening, but more the dialogue and tone.

>Mario clone
Nintendo has the good sense to not have Mario constantly spouting shitty nonsensical meme dialogue written by the happy tree friends guy

I really doubt Adventure reamkes are happening.
Just sounds like wishful thinking.

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That doesn’t mean Sonic needs to be a bland Mickey Mouse stand-in void of personality

Why do people even want a remake anyway? It probably won't even be as good as the original Adventure. You'd be better off just getting a completely original Adventure game. At the very least you'd get new setpieces, characters, environments, and music.